Chapter 19

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The director went over to me and gave me the new parts of the script which I hadn't . Read them carefully and mark some parts. Went later to him and asked him :" why you gave me that part , I mean it has nothing to do with my role at all." He to me:" I know but one colleague got sick and you need to take this too." Sighed and put it in my bag and go through the recent one . Mamie looked at me and smirked because she knew I am then with her in the scene . I walked over to her and kissed her cheek tender and said :" Honey I need to go earlier today from the set." She nodded just and smiled at me and said :" okay , mom when you will be then at home ?" Me:" Maybe around 8pm . I am not sure yet but I think maybe earlier then later because dad is waiting for me . He meant I should be earlier at home . I think he is planning something. " Mamie :" oh , that sounds for me for a romantic evening. Maybe he gonna he takes you out for dinner . I think you both weren't in a while out ." Me :" well yeah maybe, who knows it . However I need to hurry up." Walker fast out grabbing my stuff and get in the car and drive to my agents office . Took the elevator upstairs and went to his office. The secretary lead me to him as he was already waiting for me . Sat down and looked at him . He gave me a new contract for the next project which I should sign . Read it before and smiled a little and signed it then . His secretary brought us a coffee which we decided to drink together before I am leaving . Took a sip and listened to him as he told me a bit about his wife and kids . Giggled and put the cup down and looked at him and meant:" How cute are they . They grew so fast up . How long I haven't seen them ?" He :" around a year or longer ago ." He pointed on some recent pictures of them all . "Wow how fast time flies by ."To him and smiled and took a closer look at the pictures he has placed on his desk. Grabbed my cell phone as it rang and checked it before I decide what to do because I won't get bothered right now if it's not important. Saw its just a reminder I set a few days ago . Muted it and put it on the desk next to my cup and drink of it and wiped my lips as I got some milk on it . As we're finished all I got up and left his office and noticed it was almost 7pm. Thought to myself and mumbled :" why I am always so late at home ." Drove tired home and parked the car close as I could . Locked it and hold in my other arm my bag and went right our apartment building and waved to our "Portier" as I went by and took the elevator at our floor and walked to it . Walked slowly and exhausted in and looked around for Don and heard some unsure noises from our bedroom opened the door carefully and took a slight look in it and saw Don was watching a porno covered my mouth by one arm and try not to giggle and breathed ones heavy to calm me as I saw he is masturbating too . Think one second how to react to it because it didn't happen that often . Decided to "join" him and walked from behind to him and started to kiss his neck tender and whispered :" Do you want to create your own porno babe ?" Don looked shocked surprised up to me as I got him and said :" god baby you know still to tease me by your kisses ." Sat me onto his laps and wrapped my arms around his neck and made some moves on it and looked into his eyes and kissed him softly onto his lips . Don moved straight with his arms through my legs while he was replying my kiss. Moved closer to him holding him on his neck tightly and ran in his pants with my arm and start rubbing him slowly and moaned in the kiss and mumbled :" It looks like someone is pretty horny here ."

Sorry for keep teasing you at the end of my chapters 😉

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