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I had looked through the entire base, and couldn't find my iPod. I had finally succumbed to grief, an th fact, that I had lost my only resource to my home world. Currently, the house was surprisingly spotless. I didn't see anyone, anywhere. A tap on my shoulder caused me to jump. I turned and found Deidra.
"Where is everyone?" I asked. He suddenly pressed his lips to mine, and put one hand behind my head, and the his other hand, on my back. He slid his tongue over my lips, asking for entrance, and I kept my lips sealed. He pulled away, and I was red faced.

"They're out on missions," he said, turning away, and walking out of my sight. What just.....? He was so........I kinda...liked it.........I chattered on and on in my mind so much, that I hadn't notice Tobi had approached me.
"Jay-chan? Are you okay?" He asked. I woke myself up from my thoughts, and I looked up at him, smiling.
"Y-yeah, just fine," I said, scratching the back of my head nervously. Tobi patted my head, and I looked up at him, confused.
"As long as you're okay....." He said in a different voice, from his usual kiddish tone.
"No need for any concern," I replied, captivated by his new tone.
"To me, there is," he said, resting his hand on my head. He stared at me, and I looked up at him, with wide blue eyes.

"Tobi is glad Jay-chan is okay!" He exclaimed in his usual kid tone. I blinked, and came back to reality. Tobi ran off, and I stood there, majorly confused. The day went by, and everything was pretty weird with Tobi and Deidra. When a few members got back from missions, I was ordered to cook dinner. I felt a little embarrassed, because I've never had to cook for anyone but myself before. I decided to make, well.....soup. I made chicken and dumplings stew.

When I served dinner, everyone ate it, and I received a few nods of approval. I skipped, because I was too preoccupied with nervousness. I was still a little freaked out that I was here. It felt like, just yesterday, I had been cleaning at Comfort Inn, and waiting for my shift to end. Now, I was cooking and cleaning for a band of S-Ranked criminals from an anime.

I went to my/Tobi's room, and when I entered, I found a curtain in a surrounding my cot, in a rectangular shape. Did Tobi set this up for me? I asked myself. I swished th curtain aside, and aid down on my cot. I thought I heard a small buzz, but ignored it. It then heard it again. I tried to ignore it. It went off a few different times, until I finally got up, and followed the sound, to Tobi's pillow.

I picked up Tobi's pillow, and found my iPod! I snatched it up, and disappeared behind my curtain. I laid down on my cot, and unlocked my phone. I had a few notifications from some apps, but that was about it. I heard Tobi's door creak open, and I panicked. I shoved my iPod in between my breasts, and laid down, facing away from Tobi's bed. I took my glasses off, and put them close to the cot, then I closed my eyes.

I heard the curtain swish slightly, and I felt someone's gaze burning my face.
"Wow, she seems knocked out," I heard Deidra's voice.
"Tobi put the 'iPod', under here!" I heard Tobi's voice. I heard them moving around a bit, then I heard Deidra shout.
"Ah! Where is it?" I heard Tobi shout.
"Idiot! You'll wake her up!" I heard Deidra whispered loudly and quickly. I heard a few muffled sounds, and figured Deidra had put his hand over Tobi's mouth. Suddenly I heard Deidra let out a little cry.

"Tobi!" He exclaimed, still whispering.
"Yes, Deidra-Senpai?" Tobi asked.
"Did you just lick my hand mouth?" I heard. Suddenly I heard the sound of Tobi getting hit on the head. I heard him mutter a small ow, then I figured the two recomposed themselves.
"Alright, we need to find that thing," Deidra said.
"Then are we giving it to Jay-chan?" Tobi asked. I rolled over very slowly, like I was turning in my sleep, so I could hear them better, when I felt my phone fall in between the crook of my neck, and the cot. Oh no! I thought, trying to stay cool.

"Deidra-Senpai! Look!" I heard Tobi. I suddenly felt slight breathing on me.
"Uhhhh......." I heard Deidra, say skeptically.
"Deidra-Senpai?" Tobi asked.
"Uh, nothing....." He said. I felt his hand almost touch my neck and shoulder, when he grabbed the iPod. I was panicking, and before I could stop myself.......I grabbed the sleeve of his black cloak.
"What the......" Deidra said, his voice cracking slightly. Great, I started something, now I'm going to have to finish it, I though.
"Don' accident....." I muttered slowly, like I was talking in my sleep.
"What is she talking about?" I heard Deidra ask. I heard him sit down next to my cot.
"I didn't......mean to.......blow lab......" I said, which was true. When I was in highschool, I had accidentally blown up the science lab....more than once. I'm not very good at science.....
I don't know how long I was holding on to Deidra's sleeve, but, at one point, I really did, fall asleep.

Deidra and Tobi's view of the Situation..........

When Deidra had turned away, and Jay had grabbed his cloak, he thought she may have been awake. When she started mumbling in her sleep, he just....couldn't help but sit down and listen. Tobi fell asleep after a little bit, on his bed. I sat down next to Jay's bed, and she really never let go of my cloak sleeve. I really hope Tobi was right.......He thought.

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