The Box

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I was heading to my apartment, in Comfort Inn. I worked there, as a cleaning lady. I was only nineteen, but, pretty good at my job. My name's Jeannette Carter, but everyone calls me Jay. I'm quiet, and do what I'm told. I'm good at cooking and sketching, but....those are my hobbies. I don't really like the spotlight too much, and my friend says I let people walk all over me. I just....don't like being public.

I got to my apartment, and found a large tattered box at my door. I unlocked my door, and feebly pushed the box into my apartment. When I got it in, turned, and locked the door behind me. I pushed the box over next to my coffee table and couch. I sat down, panting, and opened the box. I found DVDs labeled Naruto. This looks like anime...I thought. I grabbed the first DVD and put it into my TV.

After watching hours of Naruto, I found out, I sort of liked it. I kept watching it for a few weeks. One night, I was sitting on my couch. I had made it to Episode 81. While watching it, my TV started to look like the screen was cracking. The show stopped, and turned off. What...? I thought to myself. I went to the TV screen. The black and white static signals buzzed a crossed my screen. I felt the cracks, was like they were part of the image, not the screen.

Suddenly, the cracks spread slightly, and I saw a price of the black and white static, drop down th screen, and off the image. All there was was a black, sharp shape. I reached out, and when I went to touch it, my hand went straight through. I tried to pull back, but !y hand was stuck. More of the screen began to all like shattered glass, and my body was pulled into the darkness.

As I looked around, I saw the static white and black, surrounding me. I heard echos of the voices from Naruto. I covered my ears, and closed my eyes. I suddenly landed, hard. I looked up, aching everywhere. I slowly sat up, and put a hand to my head. Where am I? I asked myself. I looked around. This placed looked....familiar. I shakily stood up, and leaned against a tree.

Wait.....I thought. I took a better look around me. Realization crept into my brain. I was inside Naruto. I slid down th side of the tree, and brought my knees to my chest. Will Orochimaru get me? Will I be killed? Questions ran through my mind. I heard a crack, and whipped my head around. No one was there. I ran a hand through my brown hair, and adjusted my glasses. My blue eyes filled with fear and confusion, I hugged my knees to my chest tighter.

"Who are you?" I slightly jumped, and looked around. No one was there.
"I'm up here," I turned my head upwards, and no one was there.
"Now I'm here," I looked straight ahead, and found a man in a mask leaning extremely close to my face.
"A-ah!" I cried. Backing into the tree.
"Tobi a good boy! Tobi won't hurt Girl," he said, reaching out a black gloves hand.
"T-tobi?" I stuttered. I've never heard of that character before. Maybe I'm not in the episode I was watching.....I thought.
"Tobi's a good boy!" He said happily. I slightly smiled.
"H-hello Tobi, I'm Jay," I said. He suddenly hugged me, and I squeaked.
"Jay-chan! Jay-chan!" He exclaimed.
"Yes Tobi, Jay," I said, awkwardly. He picked my up, and I clung to him.
"Tobi, what are you doing?" I asked, frightened. I looked at him, his mask was orange, with a spiral like pattern starting from a dark eye hole.
"Tobi is taking Jay-chan to Leader-sama!" He cried. He suddenly jumped high, and landed on a tree branch.
"What!?" I cried. He ran fast, jumping from branch to branch. I trembled, and buried my face into his chest. I was afraid to fall.

When we finally stopped, we were on the ground. Tobi didn't put me down. Instead, he walked over to a boulder. What the...? I thought. Suddenly, we entered a house. Tobi carried me into a living room like area, and we were confronted by nine people.
"Tobi!" A man snarled with orange hair and piercing all over his face. Fear sliced through me, and Tobi held me out like I was a small animal. He held me above the ground, arms extended. I looked down, and tried to hide behind my hair.

"Leader-sama! Tobi's a good boy! Tobi brought Leader-sama, Jay-chan!" Tobi exclaimed.
"You're an idiot! You brought a random girl here, to our base!" A blonde man, with long hair in a ponytail, said.
"Jay? We have no he for her. I've never even heard of her," a dark haired woman said.
"Who are you?" The man with the piercings asked, putting his face in mine.
"I-I'm J-Jeannette Carter. E-everyone calls me J-Jay," I said softly.
"Jay? Hm.......Hidan!" Th man called to behind him. A man with silver hair approached.
"What the hell do you want?" He asked.
"Do you think Jashin would like one more sacrifice?" He asked the man called Hidan.
"Well, sure!" Hidan said, lunging for me. Tobi suddenly brought me to his chest, shielding me from Hidan's grasp.

"Tobi will take care of her! Tobi wants to keep her!" Tobi exclaimed. Hidan went to come after me, but the man stopped him.
"Fine Tobi.....she's your responsibility," he said. Tobi excited jumped up and down, with me in his arms.
"Thank you, Leader-sama! Tobi is a responsible boy! Tobi will take good care of Jay-chan!" Tobi cried.
"You're seriously letting him keep her?" A red haired guy asked.
"Don't question Pein, he has his reasons," the dark haired woman said.
"Still, she better not cause any trouble," a man with shark like features said.
"As long as she doesn't cost me money, I'm fine with it," said the man next to the blonde.

"All right, Tobi. For starters, you have to make sure she's fed, and has a place to sleep," the man called Pein, said.
"Uh....I actually know how to cook...." I said softly.
"What?" He asked.
"N-nothing....." I replied, scared. Tobi was nodding excitedly. After talking with Pein a few more moments, Tobi dashed of to a room. When we entered he immediately sat me down on the bed, and rushed out. When he did, I jumped up, and ran for the door. When I went to open it, it suddenly opened. I looked up and saw the blonde guy from before.
"So, ready to leave so soon?" He said. I shook my head, walked back wards, and replanted myself on the bed.

"Deidra-Senpai!" Tobi came back in and glomped onto the blonde. Th blonde, called Deidra, threw Tobi off.
"Did Deidra-Senpai come to help Tobi take care of Jay-chan?" Tobi asked Deidra excitedly.
"No, I came to see what she is," he said.
"What she is?" Tobi asked, confused.
"I mean...Gah! I meant to say, I want to say hi, I guess," he said.
"Hi...Deidra," I said, holding out my hand. He reluctantly took it, and I felt something wet on my hand. When I pulled my hand away, I saw a tongue coming from his hand. I subtly wiped my hand off on my black skinny jeans, and avoided his gaze.
"Well, you're timid," he said, turning, and leaving.

"And you're rude....." I said under my breath. Tobi had set up a small cot for me, beside his bed. He sat beside me on his bed, and glomped onto me.
"Jay-chan is so sweet!" Tobi exclaimed.
"Tobi, shut the fuck up!" I heard what sounded like Hidan.
"Tobi, who are these people?" I asked. Tobi looked at me.
"Akatsuki!" He exclaimed with joy. Akatsuki...? I thought, confused.
"Well, Tobi, I think I'll be getting to sleep," I said nervously. I got down on the cot, and curled up. My dark turquoise sweater should've kept me warm. I took my glasses off, and placed them, almost under the cot. The cot was held up by four, small pegs. I closed my eyes, and fell asleep.

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