A farewell.

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I was fifteen when I first thought of "Scruff". I'm seventeen now. Writing this book was such a journey. My writing wasn't as good as it is now, I'm in AP Language and Composition and for those who don't know what that is; it's basically a college credit class. It's the highest levels of English but more specifically writing. I've improved so much throughout the years and since I started.

I was infatuated, obsessed, and loyal to one direction. However, just like them, some of us have moved on ever since their break up. I'm sure I have some young readers reading my book, and I apologize for the discontinuation.

I don't have time for this anymore and I've lost the spark one direction once brought me. I have SAT after spring break, and in May I will take three AP Exams for Spanish, Lang, and Psychology. I'm very busy and occupied with my education. It's very important to me and everything I've been doing, and that's why this is a goodbye...for now.

I'll discontinue writing this piece, however I'm not saying I'll be gone forever. If I have the slightest inspiration I'll write the bare minimum and post it so please, don't ask for more.

Thank you for supporting and reading this book. You are all amazing and really funny in the comments!

Thank you, xx.

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