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It's cold outside and my denim jacket wasn't covering it it. I had forgotten some paper work back in my apartment and I had to come back and get it. I was accompanied by my friend, Liam, who works with me. He's a great friend, he's the person who will drink but enough to still drive and take us all home. I drink, too but sometimes I'd like to forget the world around me and feel nothing but numbness.

We walk to the elevator, I press the level five button.

I can't believe I had forgotten the damn manuscript back here. My boss is a dick and made me come back al the way back to get the shitty thing, it's not a very good one either. Sometimes people stare at me and often think, "how does a man like that work for the country's best publishing house?" and sometimes I have to agree with them. If someone were to look at me for the first time they'd think I work at Hot Topic, or some shit. People these days don't bother to get to know you, they don't know that I in fact love to read; classics to be more specific. My love for books started when I was a young boy, sure, I was friends with a bunch of fuck ups in my teen years, but I'd sneak away from them just to go to the library.

"Looks like someone is moving in," Liam says.

I look down the hall and I see a woman bringing in cardboard boxes into the apartment. The apartment right next to mine. Following behind her was a young, dark haired girl. Her dark hair was pulled on a high ponytail, strands of loose hairs behind her ears, and I assume that's the woman's daughter. She doesn't look much older than twenty, but not much younger than fifteen.

"You should welcome them," Liam suggested, not taking his eyes off of them either.

I scoff. "Why? It's not a neighborhood."

I get inside and look for the papers. For a moment I freak out and thought I'd forgotten where I put them, but they were on my coffee table. I was up all night editing the thing, and then ended up jerking off.

Liam went to the bathroom, and told me to wait outside. Once I was outside I realized he had his keys, I groan and lean against his old car. To distract myself from this damn cold I take out my phone and text my boss I'm on my way.

He's my boss as well as my father, most people who work with us don't know that and I would like to keep it that way. Only Liam knows, and a couple other people.

The sound of footsteps were getting closer, I assume it was Liam and looked up, but I was greeted by someone else. It was the young girl, for a second I thought she was going to talk to me but she didn't. She walked past me and muttered an, "excuse me" my eyes followed her. She walked to her vehicle to get some more boxes, she struggled and was clumsy because stuff from the box was falling out. I knew if I just stood here and staring I'd be considered an asshole, but that's already a fact.

She let out a small humph and turned around. Her eyes found mine. I wanted to look away, that's what I usually do but not this time. Her eyes were captivating that something inside told me not to look away, as if I would regret looking away.

Her cheeks flushed, whether it was from the cold or pure embarrassment, it was still adorable. She stared at me for a couple seconds before smiling.

I frown.

I would've thought she'd put up the middle finger at me for not offering help, but instead she smiled. It was a sweet, welcoming smile. The corner of my mouth lifted a little, enough to be the at least polite to her. Also, I won't be rude just because I'm a complete asshole, I'm rude because they deserve it or they've done something to me. And she didn't do anything to me, she's innocent.

"Hey," Liam said behind me, the intense eye contact was broken when I turned around. Liam's eyes followed to where mine were.

"Let's go, I don't want Matthew giving me shit." I say.

Liam unlocked his car, and I climbed in. My eyes wondered to the side mirror, she wasn't there anymore. I don't know why but I wanted to find her. I calmly looked around the parking lot, seeking for the angel I've laid my eyes on.


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