I Own you: Chapter 1

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Camron Point of View:

Being unnoticed in high school is the best part of high school. I know what you're thinking. 'Wow! Was this girl hit in the head hard with a basketball.' Yes, yes I was. Playing with your older brother and his friends comes with consequences. And mines was getting hit on the head with the basketball.

Everything is okay, until someone gets hurt with something. And that someone was me.

Well. Back to the conversation we were having. High school isn't all fun and games. To some of you it might be. But to me it's not.

Tell me if this is all fun and games. Getting homework every night, having quizzes and testes every class periods, not being able to have a time to yourself. But last but not least, having a best friend who is not at school today. Like come on, are you seriously trying to make me sulfur. I am sulfuring already. What's next. I am going to bump into the school bad boy. No thank you.

Today is the first day of school. I see everyone is reuniting. Nothing has change in this jell hole we call school.  

The jocks are being, well jocks. Cheerleaders with slutty outfits. Couples are kissing like there's no tomorrow. 

I gagged. Like get a room. No one wants to see that.

''Friend.'' I heard a voice from a distance.

I decided to ignore that voice and continue on walking.

Someone tackled me to the ground.

''Ouch.'' I groaned. ''This is not a football field you jerk.'' I said while punching that person in the shoulder. 

''Wow. What a nice punch you did there missy. It hurts like shit.'' He stood up and brushed himself. Then he sticks out his hands for me, and I gladly took it. He then pulled me up with ease.

''Are you being sarcasm with me.'' I raised my eyebrow at him.

''No, I am just saying that you punch like a girl.'' He smirked.

I gasped. ''I am a girl you jerk.''

He started chuckling. ''I never knew. Maybe cause of that manly voice you have.''

''My voice is not manly. It's sexy.'' 

''Who told you that?'' He raised one eyebrow at me.

''I did.'' I said. ''Now what do you want.?''

''Can't I come here to reunite with an old friend of mines.''

''You said old. So now spill it.''

''Ouch man.'' He pointed at his heart. ''It hurts right here you know.'' 

''That's not were your heart is you idiot.'' I rolled my eyes at him.

''My bad for trying.'' He put his hands up in surrender.

''Well try harder.'' He send me a glare on my way. ''Ohh. I am so scared. Not.''

This is Chase you guys. Oh. Chase sounds like a sexy guy name you might say. But Chase is annoying. Chase being Chase is one of my older brother friend. Yeah. he's the one that threw the basketball on my head and then laughed about it. 

''Your still mad about the basketball accident.'' Now it was my turn to send a glare his way..

''It was not by accident you arse.''

''Arse. Seriously. Why can't you just say the word ass.''

I let out a sigh while putting my hands up in the air. ''I quit. Now move so I could go get my schedule.'' I pushed him out the way.

I made a U-turn and the office sign was right in front of me. I let out a sigh and walked in.

''Excuse me miss.'' i said to the counter lady. She looked up at me and give me a small smile.

''How may I help you?'' She asked sweetly.

''I am here to get my schedule please.''


''Camron Lucy Lopez.''

She started typing my name. ''Ahh. Here you are.'' She printed out my schedule and handed it to me. ''Here you go sweetie.''

''Thank you.'' I then made my way out.

'Okay. Who do I have first.' I thought.

I looked down my schedule to see that I have math first. 

'Nice. Math early in the morning. Notice my sarcasm.'

I see that I have Mr. Simiski as my teacher. This name will be hard to remember. I stood in front of the door. And push it open.

I decided since the warning bell hadn't rung yet. I might as well start looking for a seat before it's all taken.

The warning bell had rung, and the classroom was now starting to fill in. 

The last bell rung and i'm guessing everyone is here.

''Okay class. I want to start with by saying welcome back to school.'' He started. ''I just have a few rules for you guys to follow. If you sleep in my class, that will be a detention. Eat in my class and that will be a send out. Make any slick comment and that will be a letter sent home.'' And then I zone out.

The lecture was getting boring and my eyes started feeling a little droopy. I couldn't keep my eyes open, and I ended up putting my head on the desk.

**Five minutes before the bell rings*

I looked up and notice that he was still talking. I had slept for 1 hour and a half. Practically the whole class period. And he didn't even notice that. I like how he gives us rules to follow and I broke the first one. 

'I'm a bad ass.' I thought. And a smile crept up on my face.

''Something you like to share with us Miss Lopez?'' Mr. Math Teacher ask.

'Dang it. I already forgot his name.' 

''No sir.'' I replied back.

''Ok we--'' And the bell rung saving us all.

I was the first one who ran out of the room. Which was a bad idea because I bumped into someone in process.

''Watch were your going.'' i froze when I heard that voice.

I slowly looked up and automatically regret it.

Remember what I said about bumping into the bad boy in the beginning of the story?

Well I think I just bumped into him, and I am not liking one bit of it.

Save me please.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2014 ⏰

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