Chapter 7

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    "Are you kidding me Lucifer Evans?!" Your voice raised octaves. I realize how this story may be dragging on, but you can't judge me until you hear it all.

  "How could you do that to Sage? What is wrong with you?" Incredulously, you turned around, pinching the bridge of your nose, relaxing your hand so it ends in a face palm. Sighing loudly, I began to grow weary of interruptions.

  "Mr. Evans, will you please get to the point of this story, tale, your truth?" You try to fix your professionalism.
   "Honestly. I give my motive and you stomp all over it just to whine about my ex. You should really be more professional," I sighed. " And like I said before, you must wait till the end."
   "I was ignoring it, because I thought you were a bit more mature than killing children over a stupid cat. But now it's clear that I was wrong." You snapped.
    "He was not a stupid cat." I growled.
  "And they were just kids!" You throw your hands up, before pulling the ends of your hair in frustration. I stand up, slamming my hands on the table.

  "Yes, and those kids would have just become adults destroying every hard working person in their path without ever having to lift a finger. If you ask me I did that damn town a favor." I heaved out. "They had what was coming to them." I murmured.
    "Mr. Evans. Lucifer, if I may, I can't begin to understand why you did what you did. We just want to figure out your complete reasoning and the methods you used for documentation. So if you would please just focus on the goal at hand." You finish sounding quite drained. I take deep breath before sitting back down in my chair.
   "Of course. But you know if a certain someone didn't keep interrupting me, we would be finished by now." I said with a smile.
   "Well excuse me Sir. Maybe if you stuck the purpose, I wouldn't interrupt." You roll your eyes and cross your arms childishly. And you called me immature. I knew hundreds of guys who'd show you what immature really meant. Four of them were brutally murdered- tragic.
  "To pay me back for interrupting, how about a nice cup of joe? Also, can I get the time please? I feel like I've been here all my life!" I sway dramatically. You glance at your watch.

  "1:37pm, and no coffee." You snapped. A knock resounds from the cold door, before it creaked open.

  "Excuse me, Detective. Here's a cup of coffee for Mr. Evans." A small, timid fellow with thick rimmed glasses stuttered out. "The other officers and superiors voted that it would maybe help Mr. Evans here recollect."

  "Since when was this a democracy?" You grumble.

    "I don't know sir, I just make a coffee." The young man replied and pushed his glasses up. What kind of station is this? Who runs this place?

  "Kid, let me tell you a secret... You are going to need some confidence working in a place like this. They don't make you guys like they did in the 50s." I shrugged, offering my advice. He sneered at me.

   "Alexander, please leave." You sighed in annoyance. The now quite irradiated coffee boy walked out of the room, slamming the door behind him. Your attention snaps back to me.

   "Can you please try not insult everyone who walks into this room?"

    "I am not...I'm giving them helpful criticism."

    "Will you answer my questions now?" You ask. I nod taking a long sip from my coffee. It's a bit bitter, but bearable.

    "I will," I said. A smile of relief formed on your lips. " when you let finish my damn story." Your smile dropped into a scowl.

  "As I explained Lucifer we simply don't have the -"

   "The time. Yes, but if I were the 'hero' of this tale you would have plenty of time, wouldn't you detective?" I snickered. You raised an eyebrow in my direction. " No one ever wants to hear the 'Villains' side of the story, because if they did they would realize he was actually the hero instead. The hero is only the hero, because you heard his story first."

   "Is this your way of telling me I don't have to listen to you anymore?"

  "I'm telling you to shut the hell up and listen before you label me as the damn villain! I may have killed them that doesn't make me the villain! If anything those boys were more malicious than I could have ever been!" I yelped. There was more emotion in that then I would have liked, but I couldn't help it.

   "Even Levi?" You questioned. There was a smirk on your lips.

  "Even Levi." 50 years later and the name still left a bitter taste in my mouth. There's a knock at the door. We both wait for it to open. I tense with anticipation for someone else to enter our conversation. But no one does. The knocking continues on and off for a while. Eventually I'm able to tell that's it's a different person each time.

  "But as for Sage, she will be fine. Trust me. Absolutely something is wrong with me. I hate all people, but that's nothing new. I used to be friendly, although that was before I met those boys. I wasn't playing on getting all of them, there was one who wasn't like the others. Well, at the time that's what I thought. Turns out Levi was just like the others and everything he told me was a lie. This was a kid that I somewhat trusted. But... I guess all good things must come to an end." I responded getting lost in yet another memory, before recollecting my thoughts to finish the story.
   "Well I guess you can continue." You pondered quietly.

  "Maybe this time with LESS INTERRUPTIONS?!" I glared pointedly at the door, while raising my voice. The knocking stopped with the raising of my voice. The look you gave me told me otherwise. Not that I could blame you actually, as this story might make questions arise.


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