5. Mine, Not Derrick's

Start from the beginning

"Normal, I guess." It's times like these that I don't exactly enjoy my Alpha title. Besides having to be careful about who sees the two of us in public, my mate and I also have trouble getting to know each other. Trust isn't our problem, it's the fact that she, like everyone else in the pack, knows all about my life. Everything that I did when I was younger is something that everyone knows. It's easy for me to learn new things about her, it's just hard for her to learn new things about me. And it's hard for me to think of things about myself that isn't shared with the pack.

"Um..." she trails off, laughing a bit. "I'm trying to think of a question to ask you." As she thinks, we find a decent spot in the grass and sit down. "How did you meet Beta Derrick?"

"You don't have to address him like that, you know that right?"

"I'm still a pack member, I'm still going to call him Beta." she shakes her head, making me smile at her words. She didn't say anything about not wanting to become Luna. "But how did you meet him? I always wondered that."

"Derrick and I met in middle school. He's a year older so we weren't in the same grade, but we had a few electives together." I start off, earning a confused look from Josephine.

"I thought Alpha's and Betas grow up best friends from birth?"

"That's not true. I can't stand former Beta's kid." I shudder, thinking about the guy my dad wanted me to choose. "The former Beta, the one my dad worked with, has a son my age who everyone expected me to get along with. His name's Keaton. I can't stand Keaton."


"Growing up, he thought that he was automatically going to be my Beta. He treated everyone like shit because he thought he was for sure getting the position. Derrick is his cousin." I explain, trying to get thoughts of Keaton out of my head. A lot of people get on my nerves and annoy me like hell, but Keaton is the one who pushes my buttons the most. "I asked Derrick to become my Beta on my eighteenth birthday, when I became Alpha. We're best friends."

"Is he mated?"

"Why?" I ask, suddenly feeling possessive of my mate. Out of all the questions she could've asked about him, she asks about his love life. 'Mate is ours.' my wolf growls. 'Only ours.'

"I was just asking." she mutters, putting her hands up in mock surrender. "It's not like I'm interested in him or anything."

"Who are you interested in?" I smirk, expecting her to say that she's interested in me. "Tell me, Josephine. I want to know."

"Don't make me say it."

"Say it."

"Fine." she huffs. "Beta Derrick."

Almost instantly, the both of us are on our feet. Josephine runs across the grass field and I chase after her, furious of what she just said. "MINE!" I roar, trying to catch up to my mate.

Josephine's Pov

"MINE!" I hear Archer roar from behind me. I knew that saying Beta Derrick's name would piss him off, but I didn't expect him to be this mad... Or to stop sounding like the birds from Finding Nemo. "MINE! MINE! MINE!"

Since I took hold of Archer's phone before we started running, I now turn it on. When his phone asks me for a password, I say into the microphone, "Siri, what's my password?"

"Oh, I couldn't possibly tell you that." the machine answers.

I don't give up though, Siri is still able to send and receive text messages. "Siri, text Derrick."

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