All the school kids so sick of books they like the punk and the metal band

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If there was one thing Wendy hated, it was Jeffersonia High school.

Everyone was dull, boring, and the same. All the girls wore their hair the same and every boy had the same goofy face. With the exception of her close friends, she didn't pay attention to anyone else, regardless of how hard they tried to talk to her. Sure, she'd be polite, but she'd never really give them her time of day unless they proved that they deserved it.

Which is why she found it strange that she was so popular. That's what she hated the most. People loved her, for some reason. Boys would ask her on dates and girls would ask her to parties. Whenever she indulged them, she would realize how weak they really were and get angry and leave early. Sometimes she would just blow off dates, too. Honestly, Wendy didn't have time for weak people.

Lil Man was sitting next to her when a boy walked over and asked her out to dinner. Wendy agreed, of course, to the nervously stuttering kid, and as he walked away, Lil Man gave her a look.

"You know you don't have to agree to all their requests, Wendy."

"Whatever," Wendy sighed, leaning back in her chair. "It's not like I care."

"Maybe you wouldn't get so many people asking you out if you buttoned up your shirt," Waspwoman said. She was also there, sitting behind Wendy, but she had been preoccupied with her wasps and wasn't really paying attention. She was paying maybe half attention at most. Goody Tissues was also there, doing both he and Wendy's homework.

Wendy snorted angrily. As if she'd ever do that. She had an excellent bod and wasn't afraid to show it off, not even in school, and nobody could force her to button up her uniform. Never in a million years! Prudes could suck her metaphorical dick.

"Maybe if you had a boyfriend, they'd leave you alone..." Goody Tissues murmured, before exclaiming, "N-not like I'm suggesting anything! I'm just saying..."

They all looked at each other with knowing glances. Wendy Widderson had never, ever, shown any interest in a boy before. Or a girl, for that matter.

"Nobody is good enough for a girl like Wendy," Lil Man swooned over TFD's leader.

"Nobody's strong enough," Waspwoman agreed.

"I'm sure someday she'll find love," Goody Tissues wept.

Wendy tuned them out. They were annoying when they talked about her like she was some kind of godly virgin. She just didn't have any time for stupid, meaningless relationships. She was looking for someone who could match her in strength, both physical and mental - which was nearly impossible, considering how strong she was. Even though she was only a senior in highschool, she was very mature about things like relationships.

After mulling over her romantic life or lack thereof, Wendy snapped back to reality. Her friends around her had moved on from talking about her and were now talking about the Plaid Shoes gang, who had mysteriously all disappeared overnight.

Lil Man had produced a newspaper from his pants that he had swiped from an old man on the bus that morning. He pointed out the cover story to Goody Tissues across Wendy's desk. There was a picture of the gang hanging out, all of their plaid feet very visible to the camera. The title, in all capitals above the picture, yelled "LOCAL GANG GONE MISSING - FOUL PLAY SUSPECTED".

"Aren't they the troublemakers you dealt with last week?" Goody Tissues asked Wendy, who was staring hard at the story before her.

She was confused, obviously, about how an entire gang could have gone missing. The Plaid Shoes weren't a small gang - for some reason, a lot of people wanted to align with people who wore plaid shoes. Wendy couldn't believe that they had just…vanished, like the author of the article claimed.  As a leader of a gang herself, Wendy knew just how implausible it was.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Nov 09, 2013 ⏰

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