Skin suit.

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Joshdrumz: tyler?

Tylerislame: i'm not tyler i never was.

Joshdrumz: oh really, than who are you?

Tylerislame: some year 12 kid who has no life, wearing a tyler skin suit.

Tylerislame: ya know, everyday information.

Joshdrumz: okay, not tyler. How was making boring hair beautiful?

Tylerislame: very therapeutic. Would recommend if you weren't too busy smashing your drums.

Tylerislame: wait. I just realized you talked to me first.

Joshdrumz: yeah and?

Tylerislame: nothing just thought you'd be annoyed of this skin suit by now.

Joshdrumz: eh, you're fun to talk to. Maybe i'll hang you in my closet or something.

Tylerislame: slightly kinky, slightly terrifying. Nice.

I know, its like 3 am and i'm reading cake and writing crappy fanfiction.
But bear with me.
I swear my stuff might be less shit in the morning.
—avery should fucking sleep

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