Chapter 12: Finding You

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My favorite Niall book on Wattpad!
"Broken" by @ Relentless Chaos
"The only exception" by @NessaTheFangirl!

Chapter 12: Finding you

Harry's POV:

Lena, Lexy, and Tori have been gone for 5 days! We have been searching for those 5 days day and night for them! We went to Tori's parents house, Liam, Dani, El, Perrie, Zayn, Niall, Louis, and even my parents house and no one knows where they are! Then we checked all our siblings houses besides Gemma. I don't talk to Gemma anymore because of something she will never forgive me for. I bet everyone is wondering what that is. It's painful to talk or even think about. Lena only met Gemma twice so we won't waste anytime there. Liam calls me over.
"We called all the siblings. Where could she be Harry! I'm really starting to worry! I just don't know what to do anymore. Plus Dani shouldn't be under this much stress for the baby." Liam rambles on nervously.
"Liam we are going to find her!" I shake him.
He looks at me questionably.
"Harry I didn't call Gemma. Do you think-"
"No! She wouldn't go there! We can't go there Liam! Ever!" I yell.
"What happened Harry? You always get so worked up about it. Please just tell me! My daughter is missing and she might be at Gemma's. Please Harry." He begs.
I look into Liam's eyes.
"I went crazy one night Liam. It was horrible. I was living with Gemma at the time. She had a boyfriend his name was James. She always told me stories of how James and her were meant to be forever and always. One night I went over to James'. The door was open so I ran inside thinking something happened. Little did I know I was going to see something I couldn't un-see. James was kissing another girl and she had a ring on her finger and so did James. I was so angry at him! I just grabbed the closest thing to me which happened to be a knife. I threw it at him and it missed. It hit and stuck into the wall. I was shocked and so was he. I ran out and drove to Gemma's. I told her and she didn't believe me. She said things like 'you never liked him' and 'why can't you be happy for me?' She told me she never wanted to see me again. She kicked me out and we haven't spoken to this day. But just tell me Liam would you have done the same thing if that happned to Ruth or Nicola?" I asked.
"I would have done everything besides the knife Harry." He says.
"I was just so mad, I didn't know what came over me." I whisper.
"I understand Harry." Liam says.
"Thanks Liam." I reply.
"I'll go call Gemma now." He whispers as he walks away.

Lena's POV:

"I can't believe Harry would throw a knife at him!" Tori says as Gemma finishes her story.
"Yeah and how can he tell such lies." Erika asks.
Gemma shakes her head.
"You okay Lena?" Lexy asks.
"Gemma? Don't you think Harry might have changed? It was 4 years ago. I mean knowing Harry for 2 years now. He has never told a lie." I say.
She looks at me and bursts out crying.
"I-I've been wa-wanting to ta-talk to him for a ye-year now. I just don't have the courage." She says.
Her phone goes off and she looks at it then at me.
"It's Liam." She whispers.
I freeze. She picks the phone up and slides to answer it.
"Hello?" She asks.
She looks at me the whole time as she's talking.
"She's not here Liam." She says quietly.
"Okay." She says then hangs up.
She looks up.
"He sounded really upset Lena." She whispers.
"I know." I respond.
Theres a knock on the door. Gemma gets up and opens it. She gasps and slams it shut.
She whispers, "They are here."

(A/N: OHHHH CLIFHANGER! Comment and vote to get an update tonight!)

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