Dark and Lovely.

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Mestre, eu preciso de um milagre

Transforma minha vida meu estado

Faz tempo que eu não vejo a luz do dia

Estão tentando sepultar minha alegria

Tentando ver meus sonhos cancelados

Lázaro ouviu a Sua voz

Quando aquela pedra removeu

Depois de quatro dias ele reviveu

Mestre, não há outro que possa fazer

Aquilo que só o Teu nome tem todo poder

Eu preciso tanto de um milagre

Imagine you wake up, you look around you and you find yourself in a white room. “Where am I?” she thought as she tried sitting up but a sharp pain shot through her body making her scream out. Realising that she was in a hospital room the events of the other night replayed in her mind and she couldn’t stop the tears from flowing. How could he? What did she do to deserve what he was doing? The door opened and in came her worst nightmare with that award winning smile of his. Why she loved him so much she didn’t know. Why couldn’t she leave him she wondered?

: Hey baby

She stared at him blankly.

Baby I know what I did was wrong and I am so very sorry but I- you just get me so angry but I promise I’ll get help, I promise to change……..

She could see his lips moving but nothing was coming out. Everything up until “I promise to change” she’d heard before but somehow she always got herself to believe him. Why? She had no idea. She needed help, they both did. Her more so than him. She knew exactly who could help her and where she could find them.

Leleti are you listening to me?

She hadn’t realised she was staring so hard at the sunshine that came through the window of the all-white room. She quickly looked back at him not to make him angry. She nodded and gave him a reassuring smile and in return he leaned forward and pressed his lips on hers.  A long time ago his kisses would have had her weak at the knees but these days they were cold. The passion was gone. She needed help, fast. She needed God.

A million pound girl you a boss I like the way that you doing your thing

(You doing your thing)

You don't mind paying the cost you on your grind you dey move like the wind

(Move like the wind)

The way you put it down on the floor I wanna come and just give you my ring

(Give you my ring)

I wanna give a round of applause I like the way you wanna rule like a king

(She badder than bad)

She Phenomenal, She Motivates and She Elevates (X4)

(She badder than bad)

My girl, roll with a king

Roll with a brother that can give you everything o thing

My girl, roll with a king

Roll with a brother that make notes like a singer sing

My girl, roll with a king

Roll with a brother that can give you everything o thing

My girl, roll with a king

Coz every good man needs a queen what you think o think

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