I'll Wait.

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Ki’narla took a good look at Xavier gosh he had grown to be such a handsome man, she always had a little thing for him when they were kids but never really took it seriously because she was only a kid, what could she possibly know about love and relationships as far as she was concerned the thought of a boy kissing her like her dad would kiss her mum made her cringe but there was something different about Xavier, whenever he’d hug her she felt some sort of tingle in her tummy, she felt safe in his arms like she was untouchable.

Ki’narla: Oh my gosh, X it’s so nice to see you! It’s been such a long time

Ki’narla went over to hug Xavier while in the process feeling his strong muscles. She could not help but feel that same tingle in her tummy and that feeling of being safe in his embrace. Xavier held onto Ki’narla like his life depended on it, she smelt so nice and felt even nicer. Letting go, Xavier went in to kiss Ki’narla but in shock Ki’narla moved her face.

Xavier: Oh sorry erm

Ki’narla: Erm what was that about?

Xavier: Sorry old habits never really go away I guess. Remember back when we were little and whenever we hugged I’d kiss you? Sorry I just thought…

Ki’narla: Hahaha X it’s ok but like we aren’t kids anymore

Xavier: I can certainly see that I mean look at you Ki you’ve grown

Xavier said checking out Ki’narla taking in every inch of her sexiness. Ki’narla smiled at Xavier staring straight at his amazingly plumped lips, thinking of how great they’d feel on hers.

Ki’narla: You’ve grown too; you sure don’t have that gap tooth anymore.

Ki’narla said laughing.

Xavier: Hahaha very funny

Unknown: Xavier! X. Xavier Kendrick

Both Ki’narla and Xavier looked in the direction of where the person who was screaming Xavier’s name was coming from. As the high pitched female voice got closer, Ki’narla’s smile quickly faded away at the sight of Monique Hudson. Monique Hudson was Ki’narla’s childhood bully always making fun of her hair, her skin, anything to make Ki’narla upset. Ki’narla often back then complained to her mum about Monique but all her mum would say is “Often people are jealous of who you are and what you have so they bring you down to make themselves feel better”. Ki’narla looked over at Xavier licking his lips and rolled her eyes. What is it with females these days and dressing like a bunch of 2 dollar hookers? Don’t these females understand that if they dress like that people will get the wrong impression of them, they’ll get the wrong attention from guys and no guy would want to take them home to meet their mothers because one thing is for sure you can’t turn a whore into a house wife.

As Monique threw herself on Xavier, Ki’narla could not help but cringe at the sight of her G strings hanging out of her skirt which looked two sizes smaller than the size she should be wearing. Ki’narla felt left out in the conversation and thought it was time to get home anyway; she was starting to get hungry.

Ki’narla: Sorry to interrupt you guys but Xavier it was nice seeing you but I have to go home now.

Xavier: Oh come on Ki I haven’t seen you in 10 years at least come back to mine for Sunday dinner so we can catch up

Ki’narla: Erm maybe some other time. Looks like you’ll be pretty busy for the rest of the day so am just gonna head home but please be sure to say hi to your mum for me

Xavier: But-

Monique: Leave her X, the girl said she wants to go home besides what you need her for? You’ve got me. You know this little church girl can’t hang.

After that Ki’narla had a great urge to punch Monique right in that make up covered face of hers. She wondered what guys saw in Monique, how could they get with such a girl who had basically been around the block and back. If that’s what young men like these days, a whore then Ki’narla didn’t mind spending the rest of her days single because there was no way she would ever become that type of person for any man; her daddy raised a Lady not a prostitute.

Ki’narla got into her car and drove home with nothing but an empty mind. She was just totally blank.

This is what I am right now, totally blank. I was in my zone when I was writing this but my sister did something to put me off. I hope you guys like it even though it’s really short.



Thank you.

God bless. :D

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