My Desire

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Ki’narla pulled up into her driveway after dropping off all her friend’s home. She really had a good time tonight but she just couldn’t stop wondering who was watching her. At first she thought she was going crazy but that was before she saw the guy who was actually looking at her, she cursed herself for not wearing her glasses as she couldn’t see the guys face clearly. Ki’narla knew the risk of driving without her glasses but she didn’t really like wearing them because they always gave her a headache and she was planning on going to the Opticians to get them checked out as well as get herself a pair of contacts. As Ki’narla walked through her front door she finally felt at ease.  She went straight upstairs into her room, took her clothes off and walked to the bathroom. The warm water hitting her skin made, Ki’narla feel relaxed than she already was. After her quick shower, Ki’narla walked back into her room with her towel wrapped tightly around her, she put on some undies and then her Pj’s and got into bed. Before she finally fell asleep she said a little prayer thanking God for keeping her safe through the entire night and asked him to guide her through tomorrow and to watch over her dad on his business trip and on his way back home. 

Listen, I’m tired of your shit, uhu 

Turn me up so I can hear me, 

I need to hear me 

I’m so tired of your shit, oho 

You ain’t shit and I’m leaving 

I’m so tired of paying these bills for you 

And that chick keep saying she pregnant too 

Hope that baby don’t look like neither one of you 

Now that’s what I call an ugly truth 

So I’m through, I’m through 

Cause you weren’t to love but you was ready to, aham 

Wanna show me it’s real, here’s the light bill

What you gonna do 

By the way, don’t try to play me 

12 years of looking crazy for you, you 

No, how could you, you 

Cause you know who you are 

And all you’ve put me through 

Raise your glass, 

I aint even mad,

You can just, kiss my ass 

Baby you can just kiss my ass, mhm, oh 

Cause you know who you are 

And all you’ve put me through 

Raise your glass, cheers to my past 

I ain’t even mad, kiss my ass 

Sincerely, kiss my ass, uhm

Ki’narla’s phone kept ringing with K. Michelle’s, Kiss my ass playing. Ki’narla purposely left it to ring because she actually liked the song but after looking at her screen to see who it was calling and saw ‘Daddy’ she immediately answered. 

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