“Ok, doctor, you don’t understand. This is the last time I’ll be able to see my brother because I’m going back to North Carolina tomorrow, and you’re telling me I can’t even give him a f*cking goodbye?” I said crying, and her eyebrows shot up. Well, that wasn’t as nice as I’d planned I wanted to be. “I’m sorry, I’m just going to miss him,” I said in a whisper.

      “Okay, five minutes that is IT.” YES!

      I climbed the stairs, and jogged through the hallway to his room. I let Pudgy out of my purse—dogs are not permitted in this hospital—and he roamed through the room, and recognized Spencer.

      “Jessica, you okay? What’s the hurry?” he said trying to sit up.

      “I was just making sure you’re okay,” I said casually. “Was mom or someone here earlier? Like right before I came in?” I asked.

      “Unless I was asleep, no they didn’t,” he said.

      “Okay.” I guess I should continue our conversation from earlier. “So, do you remember who did this to you?”

      “No, I didn’t see the other driver,” he said sighing.

      “No, not the crash. I was talking about the fight beforehand,” I said slowly.

      “The fight? Um, let me think,” he said looking at the ceiling. Neither him, nor I remember. That’s kind of weird.

      “Yeah, maybe my dream will trigger something,” I said to him. “Do you remember the story I told you earlier before you were completely awake?”


      “Okay, well last night I had a dream, and you were in it, and so was someone’s foot and fist. But what happened is you were being beat up while I was unconscious. Then I woke up and scurried over to you and you told me to run, and to leave, and that you can handle it on your own. I told you hell no, and then someone hit you so hard your nose cracked,” when I said that he put his hand on his nose wincing, “and I cried and he/she kicked me in the stomach, and I woke up.”

      “Yeah, I remember that now that you mention it, but I can’t remember who it was, or how it started,” he said frowning.

      “You’ll probably remember soon enough,” I said. “Oh, and next time I come visit you, I’m going to have to sneak past the nurse because I told her I was heading back to North Carolina,” I said smiling.

      “I was wondering how you got in here past visiting hours,” he said and hugged me, and pet Pudgy, and I gathered everything up as the nurse showed me to the elevator. I remembered there was some sort of party tonight, and I bet Sarah is there or is going to be there, so I could go there if I wanted. I pulled out my phone.

      Hey Sar, you at Noel’s party? I wanna join XO

      I rushed out to the car because it was freezing cold outside, and I quickly turned on my heat seat. Sarah texted back, so I didn’t back out yet.

      Im about to leave. Meet me there? XO

      I told her of course, and started my journey back home to my house. My house is so lonely now-a-days because my parents haven’t been home in a couple days, and it doesn’t feel homey at all anymore.

      I stepped into my house, and tripped over something on the ground. I looked down, and it was my mom’s make up kit. Rows of eye shadow, slots filled with eyeliner, and some blush. Well, my mom must’ve been in a rush to leave. To leave me, I thought.

Can I Make It Through?Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz