"The freak's in a relationship"

Start from the beginning

"Hyung?" Jimin pulled his arm away and Yoongi just let him.

"Jimin, I'm sorry." Yoongi looked straight into the younger's eyes making his heart skip a beat. They don't usually fight so he felt impelled to apologize himself, even though it hurts that Yoongi's been using him he still has feelings for him and he cares so he'll just forget about it and forgive.

"Yeah. I should apologize as well." Jimin looked down at the floor, he suddenly didn't have the courage to look at Yoongi at the moment.

"You were right. I just realized I shouldn't do what Hoseok does." Yoongi said, placing a hand over Jimin's shoulder.

Jimin merely nodded, "Hyung, we shouldn't... Let's stop." He said looking up to meet the elder's gaze. Jimin was going to forget about it, he's going to move on even though there's nothing to move on about in the first place.

"That' why I'm truly sorry."

"Forget it. Uh... Let's go home or..." He breaks off waiting for Yoongi's approval.


They started to walk side by side, they weren't engaging in a conversation yet and Jimin was getting anxious without any reason. The words he said earlier had only dawned on him, Jimin had told Yoongi that they should stop but why was he regretting it? He knew best not to feel attached but he couldn't help himself.  He was pulled out of his trance when Yoongi spoke, "Who was that guy you were talking to?" Yoongi asked keeping his gaze forward. "The boy who sits beside you."

"Someone... weird." The younger answered.

"How weird?" Yoongi asked with curiosity.

Jimin shrugged, "I don't know just plain weird."

"Ah... what's up with the handkerchief?" The elder asked still looking straight ahead. "Because as far as I know you love dogs." Perhaps Yoongi really had a sharp hearing, Jimin didn't know.

"Uh... ah..." Jimin couldn't answer, his mind went blank.

"It's a love bite mark?" Yoongi guessed with uncertainty glancing at the younger boy.

Jimin scoffed, "It's everything but love Hyung." He rolled his eyes, just remembering the black haired boy irritates him to the core.

"You never let anyone bite you... You even hate anyone marking and giving you hickies." Yoongi stated now looking at Jimin. 'Yeah, but you.'

"It's not like it. It's stupid okay?" He walked faster he didn't want to talk about these matters to Yoongi.

"Jimin!" Yoongi called out as he tried to catch up. "Fine Let's not talk about it." He said giving up and Jimin walked in a slow pace so they were walking side by side again.

They didn't really talk afterwards and it was ridiculously awkward.  Jimin loves Yoongi however he's also aware that his emotion was wrong. Yoongi belongs to someone else. 'Damn, it's so difficult to tell yourself to quit liking someone when they're with you.'

"Bye Hyung. You should eat breakfast with us so mom can see you. You know her, she worries a lot." Jimin told the elder as he pushed their gate open. His mom treats hyung like a son she never had, one that seldom moves but when he does he makes sure it's productive enough, to not waste his energy. Even though it may seem lazy but when Yoongi focus on things he likes Jimin can't help but fall deep watching and admiring him from afar.

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