The Waiting Room

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Exciting!!! So whats going to happen next? Well keep reading and you will find out!!!  Another thing if you read and comment me and cang22 will promise to read your books and comment.


I hate hospitals.

Firstly the smell.

Secondly the food.

Thirdly i cant begin to image how many loved ones i have lost here.

There are more dead people in a hospital then there are in a crave yard.

We rushed to the hospital. I didn't even think about changing from my PJ's and Barry still had the pink apron on. As we drove in i remembered the place, its washed down walls and murky yellow doors.

It was the hospital that my mum died in. I was only one at the time and she was only twenty when she passed away from lung cancer. The horrible thing was that she was cleared off the disease but a week later she died right in this hospital. Well thats what i thought because she couldnt died of anything else?

My family was a wreck my dad left when i was six months as he couldn't handle being a father. I was taken in by my mums grandmother and father, i lived with them for thirteen years before both of them sadly passed away. They had search for another relative but none of them was found then someone wrote and said that she can live here that person was Linda. She also tokein Elle whom which all her relatives had died just her dad but he was called to fight in Libia. Lindas so kind i just couldn't believe a person like her didn't marry and have kids of her own.


Every minutefelt like an hour.

I tried to close my eyes but that just made me picture the moment when i came an i saw Linda on the floor. I just couldn't sit stillit was like i was having a panic attack. I was just settling down when my phone went of , i jumped out of my seat and landed heavily on the floor.


"Hey its me Elle! Um where are iv been knocking on the door for about five minutes and now ones answered".

" Yes that's because we are in the hospital, its.... jus..t  um... Lii..nda hhhad a"

"I'm on my way"

Then she hung up ,i was relieved didn't know how i was going to explain it to her.


"She right in here sir but I'm afraid only one at a time" said the high pitched nurse.

Barry noded and slowly walked in. He was barley in there for a second then slowly walked out"


he pointed to the half open door.

She shook her head

"I cant i really hate going in there seeing people like that" She sat down the floor and put her hands in her head. "Cecilia go"

I wanted to see her but i just couldnt bare to see her barley alive

But what if this is the last time i ever get to see her again. I know i will regret it for the rest of my life.

I slipped though the half open door. The room was tiny and bare all that was in it was a metal hospital bed and a white table that had an file on it. I guessed it was her report.

She was so pale i really couldn't believe how pale she was. She didn't look up her eyes were closed but i knew she was awake.


She noded but kept her eyes shut. She opened her mouth " Leave us"

The squeaky nurse huffed and walked swiftly out the door she must of had along day.

Then Linda opened her eyes. As i looked closer i could see the cuts all on her face and wrists.

"Someone wants me dead, Someones trying to kill me"

"Linda no one wants you dead". It came out of my moth before it had time to process it though my brain.

"The woman in black wants me dead".


Will keep posting but in the mean time pleeeeeeeeaz keep voting and commenting. xoxox sorry for any spelling!!!

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