Chapter 1: The Interruption

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Under the glow of the moon sat a young child of only, appearance wise, 7 years old. His silver hair glinted under the moonlight. His cold golden eyes were cast up, trained on the moon as though he expected it to jump from the sky.

With the moon casting its glow over the boy, his pale skin accented the blue crescent on his forehead even more, making his appearance ethereal to all who watched. This ethereal child was known as Sesshomaru, Heir to the Western Throne, to most.

Finding the heir to the throne on this mountain seemed to be an odd occurrence, however, it was not. Over the course of years of traveling with his father, Inu no Taisho, Lord of the Western Lands, Sesshomaru had gained friends and often met with them on this mountain to have them report to him about the progress around their areas of the West, after all the West would one day be his and he needed to have loyal connects throughout.

Sesshomaru glanced down when he heard someone attempting to climb the mountain. He saw a boy around his own age with hair as black as night and eyes a funny blue color. Sesshomaru decided to help the boy since he was one of the children that he was waiting for. Sesshomaru jumped down the mountain and grabbed the boy's wrist before jumping back up to the clearing with the youkai child in tow.

"You are here first." Sesshomaru told the boy. Shortly afterwards children began to fill the clearing till there was 15 children there including Sesshomaru.

"The meeting will begin. Zero will start." Sesshomaru said looking at the boy who had been in the clearing first.

"Father is much better with the herbs that you gave me to heal him with." Zero said.

Next came a female named Yuuki, "Brother is doing well in his training, we both are, we are advancing quickly according to our teacher.

"Good." Sesshomaru said before another female said something.

"What about you? Sesshomaru how have yo-" Her sentence was cut short by a wave of power that washed down the mountain. "Do you feel that!?" she cried in alarm as the children all raised their eyes upward to see something flying towards them, except it was not slowing down.

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