Freedom is So Sweet

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The cameras caught it all as Ladybug transformed back into Marinette before she could get away. Not that she cared at the moment. Tikki hid herself in Marinette's purse to rest. Marinette held the small, purple kwami in her hands gently, "You're going to be okay now, Nooroo. It's over. You're free."

The tiny kwami smiled up to the bruised and cut up Marinette. "Thank you, Miss Marinette."

Her fight with Hawkmoth and multiple akumatized people was tiring and hard for her. And the fact that Chat couldn't fight his own father, made Marinette have to fight with the strongest of them. He had tried his hardest, but Marinette had the upper hand. And she had been able to rip out the necktie, taking away Gabriel's miraculous and freeing Nooroo from his prison. But fighting in the streets of Paris wasn't a good idea either. But it didn't matter anymore. All that mattered was the Nooroo was finally free.

She had learned from Master Fu, after the whole ordeal with Volpina/Lila, that her miraculous and Chat Noir's were the strongest. Hawkmoth's was a secondary miraculous. She had also learned that Hawkmoth's wife, was the carrier of the peacock miraculous and that she had been struck down on the line of duty. That's where he assumed Gabriel's greed for the two most powerful miraculous's came from. He was positive that he thought that the Ladybug's and Chat Noir's miraculous together, would be able to resurrect his late wife. But bringing the dead back to life was impossible, even for the god-like items. That was also when she found out who Chat Noir was under his mask. But she didn't allow that to change their teamwork. But she still had her crush on Adrien.

Marinette smiled to the adorable kwami. And then staggered back a bit, she was starting to lose consciousness. She was exhausted and weak.

"Miss Marinette, are you okay?" Nooroo asked with concern as he hovered over her hand.

Marinette could feel all eyes on her. Her entire class had just found out that she was Ladybug, so had reporters, and plus some others who had been previous akumatized victims, her parents, possibly the entire country had just found out about her secret. "I-I'm fine. Just a- Just a little tired..." Marinette assured him, but then she felt herself starting to fall.

She felt familiar arms catch her as she lost her balance.

"Princess?" Chat Noir said with such a gentle, caring voice, "Falling for me already?"

Marinette chuckled lightly, "You stupid cat." Finally she fell asleep in his arms.

"Is she okay?" Alya asked as she stared at her best friend and Chat Noir. In all the time she had been obsessed with Ladybug, she had never thought about the possibility that her best friend was the woman she admired.

"Yeah, just tired. Her kwami must be tired too." Chat said.

Tikki emerged from her resting place and sat on Marinette's stomach, "I am. Chat, could you take Marinette and I to her home? I'm sure you know where it's at."

Chat smiled at the cute, red kwami, "Of course. Anything for my Lady."

A beep was heard from Chat's ring.

"Oh, Chat you should go-" Tikki started.

"No, if Ladybug's identity has been revealed then so should mine." Chat said.


A final beep was heard and Chat transformed back to his civilian form. Plagg shot out of his ring and landed next to Tikki who was still resting on Marinette.

Everyone gasped as they saw Adrien there in place of Chat. They couldn't believe that not only was Gabriel was a miraculous holder, but also his son. Adrien ignored all the commotion going on around him and avoided the reporters who were trying to get him to talk, but Nino, Alya, Nathanael and most of their classmates pushed them back so Adrien could safely take Marinette home. Adrien smiled at his classmates and made his way to the bakery.

Nooroo placed himself also on Marinette and was excited to see what his future held.

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