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"Do you have any dream catchers?" I asked the lady at the desk. She pointed to a shelf. I nodded in response.

I saw a black and red one and picked it up, it needed to be small so he could carry it with him anywhere. This one was too big.

I looked through then for a little while when I saw a small white one with black feathers on it. This is fucking perfect.

"I'd like to buy this." I passed the dream catcher over the counter.

"Five dollars please." Luckily Mikey grabbed my wallet from my clothes before they went to get cleaned. I passed her the money and walked towards Gerard.

"What did you get?" He asked me.

"A dream catcher, so that you don't have anymore bad dreams. It's white, and has black feathers on it. And it's small, so you can carry it around when you travel." He stood up and hugged me. My shoulder got damp, so I could tell he was crying. I rubbed my hand up and down his back.

"Frank..." He paused. "Will you be my boyfriend?"

Hehe, cliffhanger. Who knows what Frank's gonna say????? No one, because you aren't the author. But I don't know either...

So long

I Hope You See Me Soon.(Frerard)Where stories live. Discover now