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"Here is our house." Mikey exclaimed.

It was a one story duplex. It looked really small, how did they live in here?

"Frank. Let go of me please, I know my way around my house." I abruptly let go of Gerard's arm.

"Where is your mom?"

"She's on a business trip. She'll be back tomorrow morning though." Mikey explained to me.

"So where will I be sleeping?"

"My room!" Gerard practically shouted it out. I'm so glad he couldn't see my reaction. Mikey was smirking though. My cheeks started to heat up and Gerard hurried to what I was guessing was his room.

"Is pizza good for dinner?" Mikey asked. I was more tired than hungry though.

"Yeah it's fine, where can I take a nap?" He pointed to Gerard's room, was I really sleeping there? I grabbed Pansy from by the door and walked to his bedroom.

I hesitated. Why am I hesitating! Just knock on the door Frank, you'll be fine. Sure you might have a little crush on him, and sure you'll be sleeping in the same room together, but it doesn't matter. Just knock. So I did. I tapped on the painted wood of the door. Painted? No, they were drawings. One of his mom, I think, or grandmother. Mikey was up there, the graveyard again. A needle with an ex over it.

"Frank! You can come in!" He yelled, had I zoned out?

I opened the door and asked him, "How did you know it was me?"

"Mikey is an asshole and doesn't knock. My mom isn't home. I just guessed it was you." I looked around his room. More drawings. There was one spot on the wall, it was plain but there were vines around it.

"What are you going to draw there?" I pointed at the plain part of the wall.

"I don't know yet," he looked down." Can I do something?"

"Tell me what first?" I asked him, what was he thinking of doing?

"You see, I want to feel your face, it's a thing blind people do to 'see' the person. You'll have to tell me other things like eye color, hair color, but can I?" He stuttered out. I've seen people do that before.

"Yeah, I don't care."

"Sit on the bed please." Woah, that was taking it to far. Then again, it was the only seat in the room. So I sat. He followed me, I guess, and sat down next to me.

He lifted up his hands and put them on my cheeks, I started to blush. He slowly moved them down to my lips.

"Lip ring?"

"Yeah." He moved them up to my nose.

"Nose ring too?!"

"Yeah." I chuckled at his reaction.

He brushed over my closed eyelids and up to my forehead.

"You have a little swoops thing like this," he gestured with his hands over his forehead.

"Yeah. I have that too."

"What color is your hair?"


"What about your eyes?"

"Hazel, not like yours though. Mine are dull, yours are full of life."

He shook his head, "Yours are full of life, you can see around you, you don't have to feel people's faces, or not know what you are drawing! Frank you should be so happy that you can see! I know I act like I'm fine but it hurts me, I hurt myself, I want to see what you look like, or what Mikey looks like! I want to see the green of trees, your blush when I put my hands on your cheeks, your hazel eyes! I want to see you!"

The only thing I could take out of his spiel was that he hurt himself.

"Show me." He knew what I was talking about because he lifted up his sleeves. I gasped. Silver scars littered his wrists. I couldn't help but run my fingers over them. I pulled up my sleeve and grasped his hand, forcing him to feel mine.

"Frank? Why did you do this to yourself?" He pleaded.

"My dad, my mom, teachers not caring, being bullied for not talking."

"Don't do it again please." He whispered.

"Only if you promise to stop too." He held up his pinky and I grasped it in mine.

I wanted to kiss him so bad right now. I started to lean forward when Mikey burst open the door.

EMOTIONAL CHAPTER!!! I cried when I was writing it.

Curse you Mikey Way!

So long

I Hope You See Me Soon.(Frerard)Where stories live. Discover now