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 after i got off work i stopped at the chinks and got my pregnant girl some food cause i know she gon be hungry

as soon as i opened the door 

"is that the delivery guy" kehlani asked ahsia as she opened the door

"no its your husband...and he got us food" she smiled kissing my cheek

"oh" she said grabbing her stomach she was having contractions

"you ok" i asked kissing her 

"mhm hmh" she said grabbing her food and starting to eat

"daddy can i-" ahsia started but i cut her off


"but i didnt even start" she snapped walking away man i swear she a mini kehlani

"why you do my baby like that....come here sia" kehlani said

"ma he aint even know what i was boutta say" she whined laying on kehlani shoulder

"i know he so mean what was you gonna say?"

"can i change my name to something with a k legally?" she asked


"because the person i look up to the most name starts with a k" she said smiling hard looking at kehlani

Im glad that for some years now ahsia has build a bond with ahsia that cant be broken 

ALL THINGS GO!!(complete)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon