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haadee pov

after i heard that loud pop i went  off i let kehlani fall to the ground i pulled out my gun and started blasting the nigga in the car the car soon sped off "FUCKKKKK" i yelled as i seen babygirl bleed all over the porch her eyes was closed and he body was stiff and cold no way she coulda been dead

kehlani pov

i woke up in a hospital bed with tons of cords connected to me i looked over see haadee sleep i hit him softly he jumped up"how you feeling ma" he asked lighting a blunt 

"like i got shot" i said sarcasticly

he looked at me with guilt "im sorry ima handle them niggas" he said turning red his hazel eyes turning gray i didnt say anything soon after india came busting in my room she ran over to me  she hugged me tight i winched in pain as she added pressure to my womb  i balled my face up "damn india you hurting her" haadee said muggin india they dont like each other they argue all the time that shit is annoyin yo even tho i coulda swore they was cool yesterday

"haadee shut cho bubble gum dum dum smelly bum  looking ass up" india said sitting in a chair i looked over to her  and said "were the food at bitch " i asked india

"i gotta chu ma" haadee said getting  up and kissing my forehead and walking out india stared at me with a smirk i smiled and covered my cheeks "awwwww someone is crushing"she said gettingand taking gloves and stuffing them in her purse 

10 mins later haadee then walked in with mcdonals i smiled he hand me my mcchicken and fries with a strawberry milkshake my favorites "thx" i said with a smile knowing my favorites already "he found out from me" she said showing me the text and rolled her eyes

"you hype"  i said sipping my milkshake

"rite like you joe asf" haadee said muggin india

'YO HAADEE SHUT THE FUCK UP BITTCH"india screamed throwing a bottle at haadee

"yo this why i dropped yo ass in the first place"haadee said  my mouth dropped open 

"NO you dropped me because you thought i was pregnant"she said grabbing her purse and moving to the other side of the room

my heart dropped at the thought of him being that type of person

i turned my head not trynna listen ANYMORE

ALL THINGS GO!!(complete)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum