Fred Alastor Weasley

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything Harry Potter. JK Rowling does.

Fred is insane there is no other word to describe him really. He has pranks running through his blood and him, James, Molly and Louis are like the Marauders and the Weasley twins all mixed up in one which is just a recipe for disaster.

Pranking for Fred is actully an addiction. If you take him off of it he goes mad. Well, madder than he already is...

Fred Alastor Weasley is the youngest child of George Weasley (owner of Weasley Wizard Wheezes) and Angelina Johnson (Head of the Magical Bugs ward at St.Mungos). They are two of the most kind hearted and laid-back people you will ever meet. Fred also has an older sister named Roxanne who is a Quidditch nut. Besides there being a 1 year difference between them, they are often mistaken as twins.

The one question that always seems to be on my mind is what idiot made him a prefect? Maybe McGonagall was drunk when she made the decision. Maybe there was a mix up and it was too late to correct things. Who knows. It will forever be one of the many unsolved Hogwarts mysteries.

Fred is built nicely from six years of Quidditch; he is rather tall; but not awkwardly tall so you have to crane your neck to look at him. Fred has tan skin, light brown hair, and olive eyes that are very scrutinizing and calculating.

The only problem you'd have with dating Fred is that he's always off chasing Quidditch, planning with James or on a detention with Ol'Filch and the kittens. Yeah, turns out there was a Mr.Norris somewhere......

Freddie is a very caring person; he always sticks up for his friends, family and especially his sister. When he's not in detention, or the Quidditch pitch you can find him talking to Hagrid with James, they're really close.

Another good trait is that he is extremely loyal. Fred always makes time to have tea with Hagrid at least once a week.

Now onto the 'bad traits'. Fred is -to put it lightly- a womenizer. There are even rumours that he's been known to troll the girls changerooms which I can assure you, is false. Fred is many things, but a Peeping Tom aint' one of em.

Though he has slutted his way though more od Gryffindor house, he's usually too preoccupied with being Gryffindor Quidditch captain, getting through his NEWTS (though he is smart, he isn't book smart and has trouble with memorizing stuff and needs to study hard) or helping with his father's shop, Weasley Wizard Wheezes.

I know for a fact that Fred wants to work with Uncle Charlie in Romania when he graduates Hogwarts. *sigh* Sunday brunches at the Burrow will lack the humour is usually has. Now we have to listen to Hugo's corny jokes because James will be too depressed.

At school, Fred is usually seem wearing his letterman jacket. McGonagall allows it as long as Fred wears his white dress shirt, trousers and red and gold tie.

He would be perfect if you want a change from the usual Weasley looks, want to have some fun, and get a bit of a rebellious bad boy.

An interesting fact about Freddie is his nic-name: Four. He wants to be called that because he only has 4 fears. I won't get into the details of how we figured that out, but let's just say some wizarding family's in Ireland are very technological. Anyways, he came up with the name Four after Aunt Audrey forced us to watch Divergent.

Fred has always felt pressured because he was named after his dad's twin brother-Fred (which is a soft spot in the family). So the only people that can call him Fred are his parents and grandmother. Everyone else has to call him Freddie or Four, otherwise the bloody git will ignore you and pretend he didn't hear you, until you correct yourself. So hopefully he won't read this....

So to sum it up, if you want to spice things up and be with a rebellious, charming 'gentlemen' who you have to compete with Quidditch for his attention, then I think we've found your man.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2018 ⏰

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