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Agent Coulson smashed the door of his office open, and touched a few things on his desk. The screen in the office went on.
This had to be a mistake. It had to. There was no possible way, that he had to work with this her. She was annoying, disobeyed every order, and she was the Asgardian Goddes of life, so, there was nothing he could do against her, unfortunately.
A man appeared on the screen, a black man with a eye patch. This was Nick Fury, the director of the top secret organisation S.H.I.E.L.D, and the most important thing... He was agent Coulson's boss.
'Coulson, how's the plane?' He asked.
'Good sir, thank you,' was his response.
'And how's your office? Everything all right with it?'
'Yes sir, all the team members are unpacking right now.'
'What's the reason for calling?'
Director Fury was in a good mood, he could see it. He was in a very good mood. And he had to screw it up.
'Why is Agent Sanchez on the plane? For as far as I knew, she wouldn't be a part of the team.'
The face of director Fury changed, but he knew he had to ask it.
'Oh boy,' he sighed.
'Listen Coulson,' director Fury said. 'I'm gonna tell you this one time, and I'm not going to do it twice. You will deal with it, or I will kick your ass back to Tahiti, just where I took him up. Things have changed, Coulson, and you need a specialist for the supernatural things. That agent Sanchez appears to be a Asgardian goddes, that isn't the thing now. She has worked undercover as a SHIELD agent for years, and she is a qualified SHIELD agent. And don't tell me you have to baby sit a goddes. No, if you want to baby sit some one, I will send you directly to the house of Anthony Stark. She is part of your team, point, case closed. Am I clear?'
'Yes sir,' he said. The screen turned off, and he sighed.
He had his orders, and he had to deal with it.
Nyla Sanchez, also called Andromeda of Asgard, was part of his team now.
He could count on a lot of trouble.


YEAH GUYS! Here's the first chapter. It's little, i know, but i have to shower, haha. I know there would be a lot of mistake's on it, but jus't i already said: This story is to practise my english :s I hope you like it. Like's for this?

Sometimes things are more magical than you know ~ Agents of SHIELD #wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now