"I did not!" yells Christen taking the phone back from her. "Hope she's lying! She just doesn't want to stop watching Limitless on Netflix!"


"That's not true!" argues JJ. "She's making that up!"

"No I'm no-"

"Hey!" snaps Hope becoming fed up. The girls get quiet. "JJ go do the dishes and Christen don't call me just to tattle again. Do you both understand me?"

The two sigh collectively and then chorus, "Yes ma'am."

"Thank you. Now I love you both but I've gotta go help Papa. Be good."

"We love you too." says Chris.

"Bye Mommy!" yells Julie from the background.

"Hmm..." wonders Alex to herself looking between the two dresses she laid out on her bed. A few of her and Serv's couple friends invited them to come clubbing with them as a pre Olympic celebration. "The black one is cute but it's also really really short and super tight. The white one is cool but it's strapless. That could be a scandal on the dance floor." She stares at them for a another minute before throwing her head back in frustration and groaning. Serv walks in carrying a laundry basket and smiles playfully at her antics. He loves how she can be so dramatic at times. He finds it absolutely adorable.

"What's wrong Al?" he ask setting the basket down on their dresser and wrapping his arms around her waist from behind. He rest his chin on her shoulder. "What's up buttercup?"

"I don't know what to wear." she confides leaning into his touch. "Which one do you like?" Serv looks at the two outfits while holding her tighter.

"I like the black one but maybe you should text Syd and see which one she thinks." he says starting to make a trail of kisses on her neck. Alex lets out a moan making him snicker. He pulls her even closer to him and moves up to her ear. "You know we have a few hours..."

"Servando." she whines shuddering at his hot breath. "I've really gotta start getting ready." Serv sighs and gives her one last kiss on the cheek before letting her go. "I love you." smiles Al pecking his lips. 

"I love you too." he grins returning the kiss. They part and smile sillily at each other. "Text Sydney and then get dressed. You'll look hot in either one." He winks and slaps her butt before leaving their room. Alex winces and rubs the spot to make the sting go away. Serv hits harder than he probably means to. She grabs he phone off her night stand and snaps a picture of both dresses. She decides to send them to Julie and Christen instead of Sydney because everytime she talks to Syd these days she has to listen for an hour about her pregnancy and she's really not feeling it today. 

Alex: Hey guys what dress should I wear tonight?

Christen: Ooooh definitely the black!

JJ: Black=BOMB! Where are you going tho?

Alex: Clubbing with Serv and some friends

JJ: Did you ask moms yet?

Christen: We have to ask? We're old enough to drink...

JJ: They don't care. Ask Lex if you know what's good for you.

Alex: Okay I'll call now. Thanks for the help guys!

Alex exits her messaging app and goes to her contacts. She scrolls until she gets to the "L"s. She clicks on Carli's name and then holds the phone to her ear. She waits forever but Carli finally picks it up.

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