Chapter 14

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~•¤ Chapter 14 ¤•~

I couldn't help it anymore. I wanted to go to Nathan and tell him that everything would be okay, that we would be okay. I wanted to hug him close to me and keep my grip tight around him and never let him go. I wanted to look him right in the eyes and tell him that I loved him so much and I couldn't stay mad at him no matter what. I imagined his green eyes looking at my blue ones with happiness instead of sadness and tragedy. I wanted to be the one to change his frown into a smile like I did before. I didn't want him to leave, I wanted him to stay close to me, right beside me. Always being there whenever I needed him, and same with me. I wanted to be the one he went to whenever he felt sad or broken, I wanted to be the one whom he told his secrets to and trusted his life with. I wanted to be that one, and I couldn't let him go easily.

I was stuck at school, not being able to stop Nathan from leaving. I didn't know what time he was leaving, so I kept praying that I would find him sitting in his house when I finished with school. I wished that I could leave school and go to him. That's how attached I felt to him at the moment.

I kept looking at my wristwatch, watching the time as it went by slowly. I was suffering and I had to leave. I didn't know how but I just had to. I wasn't paying attention anyway so no need for me to stay and listen to the History teacher ramble about some old

governors who died hundreds of years ago. I kept looking at the watch until the teacher finally dismissed us and I was free. I threw my things in the backpack and took it, then ran out of the class. I sprinted down the hallway, hitting every student I passed by, accidently of course. They gave me dirty looks and I did nothing but apologize. I kept running until I heard Marie call my name. I stopped and turned to her.

"Where are you going? Why are you in a hurry?" she asked and I immediately answered her, not wanting to lose any time. "To Nathan's house. I'm going to stop him from leaving if he's still there". "You finally decided to forgive him. Go now, I don't wanna stop you. Juat give me a call when you're done" she said grinning and I nodded.

"Okay, bye" I said in a hurry and continued running to his house. Thank God I knew where his house was from the day we went to the beach or else I would've never been able to find him. I kept running until his house came into a view and I smiled.

I ran to the door and knocked it viciously, until a woman opened the door. It was Nathan's mom. She was wearing a formal black dress that reached right under her knees and her eyes were swollen and bloodshot. Her make-up was ruined and her mascara was smeared all over her cheeks and she seemed to be crying. She looked at me and smiled. I smiled back and asked "Where's Nathan. Did he leave yet?". My heart was pounding so fast and I was afraid of her answer. I didn't want her to tell me that he did. I wanted to hear her say that he was sitting inside waiting for me.

"You're Natalie. Am I right?" she asked and I nodded. "Well, I'm sorry honey, but he did" she answered and her lips started to tremble. I stared at her not knowing what to say. My heart slowly started to break into small pieces and I didn't want to believe that he left. "Where did he go? When was his flight?" I asked with my voice shaking. "He didn't leave in a plane honey" she said and I looked at her confused. "What do you mean? Did he like leave in a bus or a train or even in a boat-" "He's dead". Her words hit me hard and I refused to listen anymore. She was lying just to make me stay away from him. He was still in there, I knew it.

"You're lying" I said angrily and pushed past her. "Nathan where are you?" I called and started looking for him. "Nathan I'm sorry. Just get out already" I called again and opened the doors to every room in the house. "Nathan" I shouted and went up the stairs, with his mom following. "Nathan" I shouted louder than ever and opened a door that revealed a room painted in blue. It had posters of bands hanging on the wall and I immediately knew that it was Nathan's room.

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