Chapter 7: Help Me

Start from the beginning

How awkward it is to have your neighbor as your boss? And your boss is someone who everyone assumed is weird?

The first thing that came up when I searched the name, it's a news recently. The title writes 'Chen claimed that Kim Yoonhye was his girlfriend in college years'. Kim Yoonhye? Isn't it the author that wrote those books that I got from the second hand bookstore?

I clicked into the link. It was an article.

In a recent interview together with Chanyeol and Chen, both of them talked about their love life.

As everyone knows, Chanyeol-ssi has a girlfriend starting from college years. Although her photos had never been revealed in public, but Chanyeol was always talking about his girlfriend when he was asked about it.

Chanyeol revealed that he and his girlfriend will be marrying soon, confirming the rumor that was being spread a few days ago. Chen claimed that Chanyeol's fiancée is actually his childhood friend, and he was the one who introduced her to him.

When Chen was asked about his love life, or his ideal type, he claimed that Kim Yoonhye, the famous writer who had passed away five years ago is his girlfriend. He said, Kim Yoonhye was his girlfriend when they're in college.

Kim Yoonhye was a famous writer. She writes a lot of stories, including fantasies, and also romance stories. She was studying in Yonsei University, just like Chanyeol and Chen. Kim Yoonhye had passed away five years ago, due to being shot right in her heart.

Above are about the interview between Chen and Chanyeol. Subscribe our website for more news about Kpop idols.

So...that writer...was his girlfriend? I'll keep that in my mind and asked him about it next time. I suddenly remembered what the old man told me. He said that the writer was being killed be the daughter of the headmaster of the college.

I admit, Chen really do have the charms to make girls fell head over heels for him. I guess, the daughter of the headmaster of the school was just jealous of Kim Yoonhye-ssi, that's why he made a decision to kill her.

Thinking of that, isn't it too cruel for Kim Yoonhye-ssi? She didn't even did anything wrong, but yet just because of the girl's jealousy, she died.

I shifted my phone back into the back and continued to drink my hot chocolate, until the food was done.

Although that I had stayed in England for five years, and the winter there is colder than here, and last time when I visited to North part of Europe, it is colder than here, but still, here is still cold.

I swear, for next time, when I came out here during winter, I wouldn't wear only one coat just for beauty. Finally when I got into the studio, it gets warmer.

When I walked in the studios, the photographer is taking Yixing's solo shot. He smiled at me as he saw me during his short break. I smiled back politely and held up my thumb, signaling that he did great. He just smiled and continued his shooting.

"I see. You're flirting with Yixing hyung." I heard someone said behind me. I turned around and found Chen, with his makeup done and also hair. His hair was up.

"I'm not." I replied. I handed him the foods and said, "Here."

"It's yours." He said.

"I'm not hungry."

"Girls are always lying when they say that they are not hungry." He said, and walked away towards Yixing.


The photo shoot ended well. Both Yixing and Chen had a short interview after that. Meanwhile, at the same time, Yoojin explained the details of my work.

"Basically, I just need someone to help me in managing all the things. You just have to do what you've been told." He said, and gave me a contract. I read through the contract and when I confirmed that there is no problem for the work, I signed it.

"Thank you, Yoonhye." Yoojin checked on the contract once again after I signed it, and told me. "Actually, there is another reason that we offer you this job." He suddenly said.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Chen, he had a girlfriend before, and her name is just the same with yours, but your surname isn't different. Do you know about that?"

"I saw the news on the website earlier." I nodded and answered.

"She had died five years ago. What I heard from Chanyeol and Yixing is, Chen changed a lot a lot after her death. He was cheerful before but not now anymore. I need your help, Yoonhye."


"You must promise me that you wouldn't be telling anyone about this. Not even your family, or Chen."

"Okay. What should I do?"

"I need you to help him forget the past. I need you to turn him back into the cheerful Jongdae again."

"But why me? It isn't just because me and his girlfriend share the same name? You can actually easily find any person whose name is Yoonhye and help him." I tilted my head for a bit and asked.

He shut his eyes, and leaned back to the back of the chair. He put on his glasses and looked at me once again.

"Because you look just the same with his girlfriend."



Have I ever mentioned that the reason I love this story that I wrote because it didn't even relate to my own at all? If I didn't mentioned it before, then yeah, here you go.

I'm trying to finish this fic by this month probably, but even if I finished it,the updates will still be by Sunday and Wednesday. Since my finals are coming and I haven't start revise yet, I want to finish this story in this month (if possible) and September and October I'll be using it for revision.

Thank you for reading.

- Jocelyn

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