"OK. I'll keep my distance if that makes you happy." I told him even though I really didn't want to stay away from him.

"Thanks. Now come on. Let's get you home" he said and he put his arm round my shoulder and placed my arm around his back. We walked home laughing and joking about random things and I really did like him. We walked up to my door. He grabbed hold of my waist and shoved me against the door. He crashed his lips onto mine and kissed me so passionately. He deepened the kiss as his tongue forced its way into my mouth. It explored every inch of it. I could feel one had rubbing up and down my thigh just going under my dress. We pulled apart as I could hardly breath but he carried on and started making his way down my neck. Gently kissing, biting and sucking every part of it. I thought to myself this can't go any further so I pushed Zacky away.

"I'm sorry. I don't mean to rush into anything. I understand and respect you if you're not ready yet." Zacky rambled out.

"Thanks for understanding." I told him and I really did appreciate him for not pressuring me into anything just yet.

"It's OK." he replied and gave me a quick kiss and started walking away.

I quickly shouted to him "How about you and everybody comes round tomorrow and I'll make it up to you."

"That will be great. I can't wait. See ya tomorrow" he said with a huge grin on his face I wonder if he will tell Brian the plans.

"Bye." I called back.

I woke up pretty early the next day and that was a surprise as a my head was banging. I needed to prepare for today as I had nothing in the house. No food and no alcohol. I knew that nobody would like that so I would have to go to the supermarket at some point. I went upstairs to quickly get ready I put on my favourite black shorts as it was quite hot today. Then I put on a light pink vest top as I needed to get there quick. I brushed my hair up into a tight ponytail and just put a little bit of mascara on.

I got into the car and headed to the supermarket. I made a mental note that I needed lots of alcohol and only a bit of food and i needed some pain relief. I reached the supermarket and grabbed a basket. I went straight for the medicine aisle for some pain relief for the massive headache I had. I started scanning the shelves. I found what I was looking for I reached out to grab a pack when a hand reached on top of mine.

"oh sorry" I said whilst quickly snatching my hand back. I heard a laugh and I knew I recognised it but I couldn't quite place who it was.

"So you're hungover too then" he laughed. I turned round to see Brian smirking at me.

I laughed "yes I am. I see you are too"

"yeah, we definitely shouldn't have drunk all that last night." he said

"so are you coming today?" I asked. I hoped that I hadn't made a mistake by asking him. What if Zacky hadn't told him.

"Coming where?" he asked. He looked confused and I knew from his reaction Zacky hadn't told him. I was actually really mad. I meant everyone which included Brian.

"Well everyones coming to mine later. I told Zacky to tell you guys." I told him.

"I didn't get told and I was with Zacky this morning. I guess they are really fed up of me." he said and he looked really sad. This again made my blood boil. How could you do that to one of your best friends?

"I don't care what he wants. You are coming today and that's the end of it." I said and he started laughing.

"OK" he stated.

"Anyway I need your help. I need to buy alcohol as I have none and I don't know what you guys like" I said and I grabbed his arm and pulled him towards the drinks aisle.

We started to load the basket full of lots of alcohol. We put a couple of six packs of beer in as well as some Jack Daniels and some vodka. He said that would suit everyone and I trusted him. We got to the checkout and Brian wouldn't let me pay for anything which I was not happy about.

"Do you wanna come back to mine now and help me with this lot?" I asked. I noticed he hadn't got a car with him so I thought it would be alright to ask.

"Are you sure?" he questioned back. "I mean Zacky clearly doesn't want me there"

"I don't care. It's my house and I want you there." I told him and I meant it. He smiled at me and it took my breath away. He looked really hot when he smiled. He needs to do it more.

We loaded the car with the products we had bought and got in the car. I put some music on and drove to my house which wasn't that far.

I could tell that Brian was itching to tell me something. He kept opening his mouth to talk and then stopped. I wish he would just spit it out already.

"What is it Brian?" I asked as I was getting fed up.

"Look about the other night. I told you something that was out of line and I am sorry for that. I understand you're with Zacky and I don't want to come between you and him" he said. "He's one of my best friends and I really like you. You both deserve to be happy. I just hope that he treats you right because you seem like you deserve it" he told me. I was blown away by his honesty and I really respected him for that. He didn't seem like the guy Zacky made him out to be.

"Thanks. Don't worry about me and Zacky we will be fine. I'm a little mad he didn't tell you about today's plans. You know everything is going to be alright you'll find a girl that deserves you one day. She's out there somewhere" I joked the last part. "Don't let it get you down. It's OK to smile" I told him back and I hoped I got through to him do he stops being depressed.

"Thanks" he said back.

We reached my house and Brian helped me carry in the alcohol he had purchased which reminded me I would have to find a way to pay him back. We placed everything in the fridge and Brian got us two cans out. He handed me one. Looks like we will be starting early and it was only half past twelve.

"What time is everyone coming?" Brian asked.

"Zacky said about half past one so we have an hour to kill." I told him.

"Cool. So what you wanna do?" he asked again.

"I don't know. We can put a film on if you like." I suggested

"That will be fine by me as long as you don't put a romantic comedy on" he said.

I had to laugh "What kind of a girl do you take me for? I believe that's the second time you have judged" I joked.

"Sorry" Brian said sarcastically. "What's your favourite genre then?"

"Horror" I said and held up Scream.

"Oh, I love that film but it's not scary" he said

"I have to agree with you how about paranormal activity. I have watched it twice now and it still creeps me out." I said timidly.

He started laughing and said "Don't worry I'll protect you" he also was wearing his famous smirk. I couldn't help but laugh at him.

I put the DVD in the player and me and Brian sat on the sofa. It was only 10 minutes into the film and I was already hiding. He had his arm round the back of the sofa and I was under it with my head pressed into his side. I couldn't watch the film properly and I took occasional peaks to see what was going on. I kept feeling him laugh and I couldn't decide if it was at me or the film.

I heard a tiny knock and I looked up to look at the time and it was only one so it must have been on the film. Just as I thought that the front door opened and Zacky walked in. I looked up to see his face like thunder and then I released that me and Brian were in a position that screamed more than friends even if it wasn't true.

"What the hell is going on?" shouted Zacky.

I Never Meant To Hurt Anyone.Where stories live. Discover now