~13~ The End of Days.

Start from the beginning

After Art is done sharing all his artsy feelings, he encourages all of us to quickly sketch the first thing that comes to mind. Supposedly so he can gauge our spacial awareness skill set. So I draw repetitive lines of perfect overhead waves rolling in from the ocean deep onto the shores of Devil's Island. Art drifts by my desk and looks askance at the waves rolling in off the paper. Then slow smiles at me like a stoner, before moving on to the bong makers corner to score his after-school special Scooby snack.

My almost to last class is Spanish ...and holy guacamole Spicole! Miss Spanish teacher is super new and super muy grande excited about being nevus! ¡Ay, caramba! Miss Spanish is so super psyched and bursting with nervous energy as she tells us all about herself, and her adoptive family of five cats, or El Cinco Gatos. There is Señor Heffe, Señora Heffe, their daughter Señorita Esmeralda, their lazy son El Gordo, and Esmeralda's mijo out of wedlock, the troubled little rapscallion Taco, or Taco el Terrible.   

Just one glance around the festively decorated classroom and I can already tell that crazy cat meme's in Spanish is like her big thing. She has several cute cat posters prominently featuring El Gatos Familia at various vacation locales around the world. So naming her is muy simplistica ...La Señorita Loco Gato aka The Crazy Cat Lady. So I think its safe to day that at this point, I can pretty much write Spanish off as an easy A. Although she does make me think about Big Red Stray Cat back home. I have to wonder if Big Red is still sitting on top of our broken air conditioner in the shade, not giving a shit about anything? Or whether he has moved on down the narrows to a better place?

I end my day on a seriously sad note in my last class, Environmental Science. Which basically turns out to be a class in "The End is Nigh", and we are all gonna die. Because our parents have already killed our mother earth with their petroleum plastic consumerist greed. The teacher, Dr. Doomsday, starts off by going around the room to ask what each one of us did this summer to make Gaia a better place for our children's children. Who according to Dr. Doomsday will probably be born in Bio-domes on a dead world without oxygen anyways, cause we are all so selfish and refuse to go green.

The first person to go overboard is that one ninja assassin chick from Or'sirs English class, The Lee's Take Out Girl. Lee's is in the front of the class again at her usual spot, and I can already tell this Apocalypse Now crap is totally her thing. As she is seriously psyched to tell us all about a Saharan Dessert water collector she built in her backyard out of recycled plastic garbage bag liners from her parent's restaurant. Apparently, this contraption catches ambient precipitation in the night air and drips it into a cistern to feed her Eco-friendly bamboo oxygen garden.

When Dr. Doomsday finally gets around to me, I tell him that I started a compost heap over the summer. Which is sadly almost somewhat true in a way? Seeing there is a big pile of leftover leaves and crap in the corner of the backyard from the Irish Antichrist's latest garden project, that I still haven't burned off yet. My rotting crap pile of leftover lawn seems to placate Dr. Doomsday to moving on to the next naysayer.  

After The End of Days is over, day one is done and I have officially set a new record in my erratic scholastic career. Not only for making all the way through an entire first day of classes without one fight to be had ...but not one single drop of blood spilled? Truth be told, I am more than a little depressed by this success. Because I would take my old chaotic existence over all this new normal in a heartbeat. I guess when a crazy life is what your accustomed to, sanity starts feels very strange indeed.

I linger a bit by my locker, waiting to see if I can spot Maybe in the long hallway, but to no avail. I opt to not hit the pool after school as I told Aces I might. Instead, I take the long downhill skate back to the House of the Blazing Raisins. After a roll down the Hill from Hell, I stash my skateboard in the guy's garage and head into the house. 

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