II. bands

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The rest of my day at work had dragged on for what felt like years. I couldn't stop thinking of Nate, but mostly about the fact that I would probably never see him again. I mean, I know he can't be from here, I would know him for sure. But maybe he is from the bigger, more suburban city like twenty minutes away? I was laying in bed thinking of all these things that night, trying to give myself any hope that I'd see him again. It's just ridiculous though, because maybe he was just being nice to me and really had no intentions of ever talking to me again. Ugh, life.

I was so tired from my long day at work and then all the homework that followed, that it only took me a few minutes to fall asleep after I decided to stop thinking so much.

The next morning came far too soon, mostly because it's the worst day of the week: Monday. I dragged my body, yes, literally dragged, out of my bed and made my way to my bathroom to take a quick shower. After getting out, I decided on wearing an olive green tank top dress with white high-top converse. Since I really wasn't feeling today at all and it just started, I decided to let my wavy hair dry naturally and wear very minimal makeup. It's not like I'm trying to impress anyone at school anyways.

After my morning routine was complete, I ate a quick breakfast and hopped into my car with my backpack in hand. Of course, dad was already gone at work. I basically live alone because my mom is dead and my dad is never home. It's lonely, but it doesn't feel much different when my dad is home. We just aren't as close as we used to be.

I parked in the lot of hell and turned the car off. I won't get out of the car yet, though. I like to arrive at places early and just sit and listen to my music for a little while. It calms me while I mentally prepare myself for the day. Besides, I'm pretty sure my best friend Riley isn't at school yet and I won't face this demon alone.

As 'I've Given Up on You' by Real Friends blares throughout my car, I lean my head back against the headrest and close my eyes. My mind keeps wandering back to Nate and how I wish I could get to know him. It's silly, I know, considering he might be a total d-bag with a pretty face. And wouldn't that be a waste of my time? (**a/n see what I did there lol sws get it?**) I'm taken out of my thoughts when my phone vibrates, Riley notifying me that she has arrived.

I groan and exit my car with backpack in hand and make my way towards the front doors. When I get to our shared locker, my pastel-purple-haired best friend is already waiting there for me, along with some of our other friends: Mikey, Dave, Luke, and Dyson.

"Livi, you're here! The guys were just telling me they're entering into a battle of the bands competition for amateur bands in the state!!" Riley informs me.

"Really, guys? That's great! When is it?" I turn my attention towards the boys. They've been in a band for a few years now and they're actually really good. However, it's not easy to make it big in a town like this.

"A couple weeks, but all the registered bands are listed on the website and you can listen to some of everyone's stuff, too" Luke tells me. Luke is adorable, with big brown eyes and brown curly hair. Him and Riley have been in love with each other forever, but they're both too shy to admit it.

"Give me the website! I wanna check these bands out during study hall," I reply. I have study hall first thing in the morning and I never actually do anything in that class.

After Dyson gives me the website, the bell warning us that classes start in two minutes rings throughout the hallways. Each of us say our goodbyes to each other and head our separate ways. Riley has study hall with me and we make our way towards the library where the class takes place.

"How was work yesterday?" She asks me.

"Eh, pretty boring like normal. Except I might've met the cutest guy I've ever seen in all my existence and now I'll probably never see him again," I ramble on to her.

"No way, what's his name? What does he look like? Did you get his number? Where-" I love the girl to death but she is always way too excited about everything. I had to cut her off.

"Ri, chill. I'll never see the guy again, it's cool," We take our seats and I instantly pull out my macbook laptop that's covered in band stickers. "Now let's look up these bands the boys are up against!"

I open up the website page and we scroll through the bands, playing bits of each song through my earphones. Each band has a small bio section where they've described myself, as well as a picture attached and demo recordings of their songs. I scroll through our boys' band and smile because their picture is dorky and precious. I stop scrolling immediately when a particular band picture catches my eye.

The band looks like every other pop/punk/alternative band our age. Except for one thing; Nate is in this band, holding drumsticks and looking cuter than ever in the picture.

****this is kinda short sorry its just a filler bc nate isn't in this chap and i just really wanna get to where they hang out more. and sorry i don't really describe riley that much or introduce their friendship a lot :/ i promise i will in later chapters its just kinda late here and I'm tired af okay bye read this story lol and vote and whatnot again****

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2016 ⏰

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