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"Hey, Josh!" Tyler grinned as he stepped into the living room where his boyfriend was watching tv. "I'm going out to meet Jenna. I'll be back in a few hours."

Josh frowned. "You're going out with her again?" That was the third time this week. Josh was really hoping he'd be able to spend some time with Tyler tonight.

Tyler nodded. "Yeah... Is that okay?"

Josh quickly replaced his frown with a reassuring smile. "Yeah, of course. Will you at least be home for dinner?"

Tyler hesitated for a moment. "Uh, yeah. For sure." Although he didn't look too sure. "I'll see you later."

Josh waved and when he heard the front door open he shouted, "I love you!" It was quiet for a bit before the door closed again and seconds later he heard the sounds of Tyler starting his car and exiting the driveway.

Josh sighed to himself. Tyler sure was spending a lot of time with Jenna lately. Even when he was home he would barely pay attention to Josh! He stopped cuddling, kissing, and now he wasn't even saying 'I love you' back.

Josh was scared. Was Tyler thinking about leaving him? Did he like Jenna better than him? Was Tyler maybe... cheating on him?

Josh quickly shook his head. No, Tyler wasn't like that. But could he? He did seem like he was getting tired of Josh lately. He'd rather go out with Jenna than spend time with his boyfriend. Josh knew he had to do something.

He thought about different ways he could win Tyler back but everything was just way too cheesy or stupid to him.

Flowers? No, they die too quickly.

Serenade him? No, Josh was way too scared to sing in front of him.

What else could he do though? Josh continued to think of different things but shut down each thought almost immediately. The tv was just background noise while he sat on the couch and thought while the sky outside grew darker.

It wasn't until Josh's phone let out a loud beep that he snapped out of his thoughts.

Tyler ❤️ :

on my way home. what's for dinner? I was thinking pizza

Josh sighed again as he typed back agreeing and that he would call and order.

He stood up from the couch and walked into the kitchen. He picked out one of the takeout menus that was sitting on the counter and started to look through it.

It wasn't until Josh was dialing the number of the restaurant did the perfect plan pop into his head.

Josh smirked as the man on the other line asked what he wanted to order. "Can I get three large meat lover pizzas and two large fries?"

The man confirmed his order and gave the total, saying that it should arrive in no more than 30 minutes.

Usually Tyler and Josh would just share one large pizza and sometimes even have one or two slices left over.

But Josh's plan was about to begin. He was going to fatten Tyler up. It's cruel, yes, but he couldn't think of anything else. He was insecure and scared that the love of his life was going to leave him. He didn't think he could live without Tyler. Tyler is his everything.

Just then, the front door opened and soon Tyler entered the kitchen. "Pizza on the way?"

Josh nodded and bit his lip to hide his smirk. He was going to make Tyler so fat that nobody else could possibly want him.

Tyler went to the fridge to grab a drink and Josh continued to eye him and think about all the possibilities.

He could feed Tyler until he doesn't fit in his clothes anymore. He could get so fat that he could break furniture. Hell, he could even get so big that he wouldn't be able to fit through doors. Who could possibly want someone like that?

Well, Josh was soon going to realize there was someone who could still love Tyler like that.

A/N - the rude things that are said about "making Tyler so fat
that nobody could want him" and the "who could possibly want someone like that" are Josh's characters thoughts only. Don't worry, he changes his mind. 😉

I've been posting this on ao3 but I decided to post it on here as well. feedback is greatly appreciated 💖

fatten you up // joshler जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें