chapter 1

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Yo! I'm Arlix. But most of you already know seeing as how you probably read the description. I'm a Sword Art Online survivor, and I'm here to tell you all about my experiences in the game. I'm going to get to get strait to the start of the game.... I have a lot to get through

Now I may not have been a beta tester for the game I had played hundreds of mmorpg's in the past so I knew what I was doing. In every rpg I played I was either the support mage or an archer. (I like the more supportive classes) So I stuck with what I wad used to and went to be an archer. I was genuinely surprised by the lack of archers I guess everyone was worried about close quarters combat. That's all I need to say about what I did so let's move onto the important/interesting things.

On the day of the launch, my party from the last game I played came to stay the night at my house for a couple of days of strait playing the game. When they all showed up we started discussing all our roles in the party, we instantly decided I'd be the archer, Winslow the only beta tester among us decided to be a dagger user seeing as how he was the smartest and he liked stealthy play styles, Ashley chose to be rapier while Norman chose 2 handed sword he did like more "in your face" kinds of fights, Aria was a support tank giving us healing items whilst using her high health the drew fire away from us, the last of us was Jett who chose sword and shield because he liked being defensive.

After we all ate dinner we headed to the basement to get started in the game, when we got into the game with all our weapons Winslow took us to an open field with weak mobs to show us how the fighting worked in the game

"Why can't I just swing my sword at people and mobs?" Nick asked (Norman's in game name)

"Because" Winzer annoyedly responded "if you don't you'll never get at hit off" he sighed "just trust me Norman"

"How come there's not something like a block skill?" Keagan asked (Jett's in game name) "I mean there are skills for everything else"

"I don't know!!!" Winzer yelled in response "do I look like Akihiko Kiaba?!"

We all looked at his avatar "well kinda." Arial said (aria's in game name)

"God d***it you stole my words!" I said to Arial while lightly punching her arm, everyone laughed

"Well I'm hungry" Tibi (Ashley's in game name) randomly blurted out "I mean irl"

"Ok go get a piece of pizza when you're done eating just log back on" Winzer said

Tibi awkwardly stood looking at her menu "um how do I log out?"

"There's a log out button in the menu" Winzer said

"No there isn't"

My stomach started to feel weird.. at the time I didn't know why I guess now that I subconsciously knew what was going to happen

"Let me see..." Winzer said opening his menu "wait a sec... where is it?"

"Where is what?" Arial asked

"The log out button" Winzer said as he started to panic

"Wait dude what's wrong?" I asked

"That's the only way out of the game!" Winzer yelled

At that moment everyone's hearts sank. "There has to some other way out right?" Nick asked as we heard the bell that triggered the group teleport. during the speech Kiaba gave I was terrified for my party's lives. Me being an archer I didn't have to worry much but the rest of the party, especially Arial they're right up in the Frey. When the force field went down Winzer pulled us out to get a head start of the rest of the people.

"We need to get started right now guys" Winzer said in a worried tone "I know all the safest ways to get to the next town and we'll all be level 2 by the time we get there"

"Ok then" keagan said in a surprisingly calm tone "let's go" he pushed Winzer to show us the way

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2016 ⏰

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