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Nick Furry:
Hello Steve.

Hello Furry.
What can I do for you?

Nick Furry:
Well since the serum seems to respond well to your body; I was thinking you should do some training.

For what?

Nick Furry:
I wanted to recruit you for the Avengers.

How come?

Nick Furry:
You seem to be what the team needs. You show a great amount of leadership, you're a selfless man.

I don't know.

Nicky Furry:
At least give it a shot?

The last mission that you went with the team down to a H.Y.D.R.A facility didn't go so well and you are the perfect fit.


Did you say H.Y.D.R.A?

Nick Furry:
Yes, they are the ones that took down the quinjet in the first place? I thought you already knew this information?

No, I did not. But thank you.
Yet I will have to turn down your offer, Furry.


Nick Furry:

Rogers? Are you still there?

STEVES MIND SWIRLED all he could think of is H.Y.D.R.A.

H.Y.D.R.A is the reason that Bucky is gone, is dead. It's their fault. He was as well furious that no one actually told him the reason quinjet 'malfunctioned'. Memories from that day flooded his mind, instantly making him dizzy and head throb. He new he had to take down every H.Y.D.R.A facility. Wanting to get revenge for Bucky. Wanting to put the person behind the H.Y.D.R.A networks behind bars for every horrendous thing they have done.

Steve did not want to tell anyone about he is going to do. He thought it would be best to say that he was going to visit some distant relatives or something along the lines.

Finally packed and ready to go; he wrote a note, sending it to the Avengers tower.

Goodbye, won't be around for a while. Going to attend some family matters.



NOTE.| I'M SHOOK HONESTLY. rip my bby steve. And I honesty don't know how and why i decided to put this into the plot OmF. But it'll make sense sooner or later????

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