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BUCKY NERVOUSLY TAPPED his fingers in his lap, as his left hand was up in his mouth, gnawing on his nails. Anxious on Natasha's answer, would she taunt him for loving Steve? Tell him that he shouldn't bother since Steve is not attracted to the same sex? Would he regret this? Finally a ring; rang through his ears, making him jump. His eyes flickered down to his phone that was set on the coffee table. It was a phone call. On the screen the name natasha was in bold. Bucky was debating on whether to answer or not, wondering if her call would bring him good or bad news. His heart was racing as his head continued to swirl with positive and negative thoughts. He grabbed the phone off the table and slid his thumb over the screen to answer the call. Bringing the phone to his ear, there was nothing but silence on the other line. "Hello?" Bucky dryly said, still nothing. After a few moments of silence, a squeal. "Oh my god! I fucking knew it!" The girl continued to squeal at the other end. "Y-you knew what?" He stammered. "That you obviously love Steve." Natasha bluntly said.

"I don't how it happened, it just clicked. God, I never knew I could be capable of loving someone this much. Like yeah I have had one or two boyfriends in the past, yeah they made me happy. However, not like Steve. Just hearing his name or just written or on the damn screen of my phone. His laugh, smile─" Bucky paused, letting out a laugh that exposed his teeth, wide smile, creating the crinkles at the ends of his eyes.

"His laugh and smile could basically bring fucking peace to this world." Before Bucky could continue finishing his novel on how and why he loves Steve; there was a sniffle at the other end of the call. "Nat? Uh, are you alright." He knitted his brows, confused. Was Natasha crying? "This is so beautiful ─ You guys are beautiful."

"You need to tell him tonight." Natasha instructed, not even seeing the woman, you could hear in her voice she had her hip jutted out and a fist placed on her hip. "What, if he doesn't feel the same, hell; what if he isn't into guys." Bucky stammered, his breath hitching in his throat.

"No, no. Believe me, he's head over heels for you, Buck-O."

"W-what?" He said in disbelief at her words, she's lying.

"Didn't you see what we said, how Steve talks a shit ton about you?" The red-head explained

"Yeah?" Bucky said, confused; what's that supposed to with this?

"Look, I'm great friends with Banner, but you don't see me talking about how great a friend he is, he's a friend and he's great. That's all." Natasha thoroughly explained her point.

Bucky, still confused, having no clue where the hell this was going. Natasha sighed, he could feel she pinched the bridge of her nose. "People don't talk that much about their friends, they talk that much about someone they care, like, love."

Right there, Bucky could feel his heart jump out the window.

"He loves me?" Bucky said, hardly audible to hear.

"He sure as hell seems like it, but he never mentioned the word love, but don't feel down. He will say it sooner or later." Natasha reassured him.

"So, I should tell him? Tonight?"

"Yes, you have to, you guys have to be canon."

"Alright, is there anything that Steve likes?" Asking to see what he can do to woo the small blond.

"He's a real simple guy, just a few words and a small dinner would be just fine."

"Okay, thank you Nat. This means a lot." Thanking her for the advice, and making himself feel happy, and warm that Steve is attracted to him in the same way.
The took exchanged 'good byes' and hung up.
Not even seconds later his phone notified him of a message from Natasha.


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