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Hey, Steve. I'm out front.

Okay, be there in a minute.

as he continued to think of the events that will occur. He admitted to himself, he was petrified. Not cause of the side effects─being paralyzed, terrible stomach issues─not that he will be enhanced physically. But because will he be able to help his friends. What if they won't need his help? What if this was for nothing? Will they even see him as the same Steve as before? He always had negative thoughts run around his head when it came to something that was a big deal to him. Shoving his phone into his pocket; he grabbed his suitcase, with his clothing, hygiene products, and electronics. He stepped into the elevator, press the button directing to the lobby, he leaned onto the wall. Closing his eyes, calming himself down by the utter darkness, listening to elevator music─which was not helpful, but couldn't do nothing about it. Before he knew it, there was a 'Ding' indicating he reached his destination. Quickly opening his eyes, he grabbed the handle of the suitcase and exited the building. Seeing a black, SUV, tinted windows to match the color of the car. He knew immediately that was where he was to suppose to go. As Steve approached the vehicle, finally being face to face with it. The window pulled down. Showing the face that he adored to see. Lips painted red, chocolate brown hair having bouncy curls, and soft brown eyes. Seeing a friendly face that he knows so well instantly calmed him down. He couldn't help but put on a small smile. "Don't just stand there Steve. Get in!" Peggy giggled. He did as he was told.

They both sat on different ends of the car, looking out the window. Time-to-time make small talk. They both didn't know what to really say that day; they would always have something to say. Just not today. "Are you ready for today Steve?" Asked Peggy. "I don't know." Steve truthfully said. He wasn't sure if he was ready to change. Become someone different. "You'll b alright." She reassured him, giving the blond a small smile.He returned the same gesture and the two both sat back in silence; either looking at their phones or out the window.

Every now and then Steve would check his phone, not to see what was happening in the group-chat, any personal messages nor social media site. His photos, photos he taken of Bucky when he wasn't looking, photos they took together. Things that reminded him of how much he loved him. He knew how much it hurts him to see those photos, how the pain starts rolling in. Playing back that day of the mission. Getting a grip on the brunette; feeling terrified to let go, creating his hand to sweat. Hands begin to shake, heart race; the only thing he could hear and feel in his body. And within seconds, Bucky was gone, slipped away from his grip. Plummeting to his death. Steve could feel tears form in the corner of his eyes, becoming glossy. Feeling that familiar sting when holding back tears, strain in your throat from doing so.

Shaking those thoughts away, he shoved his hand into his bag to grab his headphones. Placing them around his head, plugging them into his phone and starting a song. The Beach by The Neighbourhood began to play. This song has been one if his top replays, he couldn't help but sit back and relax, closing his eyes; trying to go deep into his mind to find those positive thoughts he oh-so truly wants to see. As Steve tries; he just can't. All he could think about is Bucky. You couldn't save him. You're too weak. Too small. You can barely take care of yourself from danger. How were you gonna save him? Negative after negative rolled in. He tried to wake himself up, getting out of the never ending darkness. All he did was struggle.



A voice continued to speak. The voice was familiar. Steve tried his best to wake up, relive himself from the self-created torture. Finally, someone shook him. The voice continued, sounding as if they were muffled echoes. One more harsh shake brought onto him, and another loud shout of his name woke him up. Jolting up, startled of the aggressive gesture to wake him. In front of the blond was Peggy, worried look painted on her delicate features. "Steve, are you certain you're alright?" There was such an evident tone of worry in her voice; it made Steve's heart ache. "Y-yeah. I am. I'm fine." He lied. He wasn't. "Alright, well let's get a move on, they're waiting, and we're late." Peggy said as she looked at her watch. He got out of the car, grabbing all his belongings. Seeing a small shop. It was an antique shop. Steve's brows furrowed, confused on why they were at an antique shop. Yet, he didn't question it; following Peggy behind.

Inside the shop was an old woman. "Wonderful weather this morning, isn't it?" She said to Peggy. "Yes, but I always carry an umbrella." The brunette responded. With that, a wall opened, Steve was still utterly confused. The old woman gave them a welcoming smile as they  stepped into the small room. He looked around the small room. Was this were the procedure take place? On the corner of his left was buttons. Peggy pressed one. The wall closing, creating a ding noise, the small room began to move down. Steve's eyes were a bit wide eyed, mouth somewhat hung open. A simple "oh." fell from his lips. Wasn't long till they reached their destination. Feeling that small little jump when the elevator would stop always gave him this sense of worry that the elevator may plummet all the way down, rather than stay where it's supposed to. The to doors slid open. Revealing a numerous amount of people in lab coats, scurrying around to prepare for the procedure. As soon as Steve stepped out of the elevator; all eyes were on him. He was frozen, truly didn't know how to react, respond to all of these people looking at him. "Everyone stop looking at the poor guy as get back to it." A voice boomed, and Fury came to view. Walking towards him and Peggy. Halting, standing, towering the blond. "I'm glad you could make it, and agreeing to do this." Fury said. "Yeah. Welcome." Steve's voice became shaky. Afraid of how the procedure will go. "I want you to meet someone." Fury told Steve. Having his hand on Steve's shoulder, Fury guided him towards a man who was talking to a few other people. "This is Dr. Abraham Erskine." The man turned around as he heard his name. He had grey hair, circular glasses. "Doctor, this is Steve Rogers." Fury introduced the two to one another. The man stuck out his hand to shake Steve's. "Nice to finally meet you Mr. Rogers." Dr. Abraham enthusiastically said. "Nice to meet you too. You were the one I talked to one the phone the other day, right?" Steve asked. "Most certainly."

"Alright, I need you to take off your clothing from your upper body." The doctors instructed. Steve did as told. Peeling off his plan black t-shirt. Now leaving him shirtless, upper body pale and frail. Steve gave his shirt to a nearby nurse. The small blond was instructed to lie down onto the machine. Steve's heart began to race, being more nervous than before. There was no turning back now. "Is it too late to go to the bathroom?" Steve asked. Making Dr. Abraham Erskine laugh. Soon a nurse came with a needle, injecting it into his upper arm. Wincing at the pain that was posed upon him. "Was that it?" Hoping that was all. "No, that was Morphine, for the pain." The doctor explained. Steve's eyes went wide. Oh dear. "Good luck, son." The doctor said before he backed away. Soon the machine began to make strange noises, tightening around Steve, lifting up so it would look as if Steve was standing. Soon the tubes of blue substance know to be the super serum he was about to be given, was pierced into his skin. Making him scrunch his nose as the pain. The needles felt as if the needled would go through his arm. He was suddenly trapped within, enclosed from the outside world. Within seconds, he felt a sudden rush of energy. Heart rate intensifying. Steve let out a scream of the pain as he felt as his limbs were being pulled off, ripped off of his body. "Stop the machine! Stark, damnit do it!" Fury yelled. The blond was confused on why Fury said 'Stark' but ignored and spoke out. "No! Don't turn it off. I can do this!" Steve screamed as pain still coursed through him. There was a few shouts out in the lab, but Steve didn't focus on the voices as more he focused and hoped he wouldn't die. It wasn't long after when everything went silent. Steve still had his eyes closed shut. Afraid if he would open them all he would see is sudden darkness. The doors opened, hitting him with cool air, arising goosebumps onto his now hot, sweaty skin. He blinked a few times, adjusting to the sunlight, looking around. Suddenly confused, everything was seen in a different perspective. What the hell? Steve thought to himself. Immediately Peggy ran up to Steve. "How do you feel, Steve?" The same worry lingered her voice just like earlier. "Taller." was all Steve sad. Chest still heaving from what just happened. He was given a shirt, which seemed somewhat a little too tight. It was his shirt. Steve looked to his left and saw Tony. Tony began to approach Steve. The now tall blond was predicting what was to come, a verbal brawl. But he was wrong. "Good to see you're okay Steve." Tony said, patting Steve's pack. "Thanks." Steve responded. "Talk to you later." And with that Tony left to speak to come people who were involved in the project. "Alright, Rogers. Time to get you checked up." Fury told Steve, guiding him towards the exit and off to the S.H.E.I.L.D facility.


NOTE.| I UPDATED HOLY SHIT YOU GUYS. IM SORRY FOR SUCH A LATE ONE. I WAS BUSY WITH STUDYING FOR MY FINAL!! BUT IM BACK OML. and self-promo u should check out my bucky fic i posted *wink* *wonk*

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