Sheldon dropped his food on his lap, outraged.

"I am not ugly!"

"See it for the bright side, Sheldon", said Penny, trying to sound smart "At least you are inteligent."

He was about to implode.

"I am not ugly, Leonard is!", he pointed his finger at Leonard.

"Wha-what?", said Leonard, astonished "How did that I get into that?"

"All right everyone, stop teasing him.", said Becky laughing "Of course you are not ugly Sheldon. If there is even 'ugly'. After all, 'Beauty is a construct based entirely on childhood impressions, influences and role models.'"

"That was deep.", said Penny, unmoved chewing her Temaki.

"Was indeed!", said Sheldon glowing, "How many times did you watch 'Sherlock'?"

"There's not much to watch. They produce an episode a century. It's annoying", she replied.

"I wish people would actually think like that", said Howard to himself, dreamy. "I could be a gorgeous man!" he mimed being muscular and made a funny voice. Everyone laughed.

"You are beautiful, Howie", Raj smiled down at Howard saying that with a gooey voice.

"Koothrappali, you son of a-"

"By the way, my Meemaw is coming tomorrow." Sheldon's timing was flawless "She is my role model."

Becky went numb and cold.

"Are you okay sweetie?" Penny asked, touching the red-haired shoulder.

"Fine!", lied Becky with a smile. "Can't wait to meet her!"

"Oh, you'll love her! It's impossible not to!"

Becky smiled nervously and fidgeted.

"And you all must know we are engaged." announced Sheldon, nonchalantly.

The silence in the room was palpable. The food Raj was chewing fell from his mouth.

"What?", asked Howard, the only one who could still talk.

"I was wondering if or when he was going to tell you.", said Becky.

"He doens't sound very happy, if you don't mind my prying." , pointed out Howard.

"Maybe he isn't.", said Becky, souding miserable. "I'm unwell. Excuse me."

She left the table and the apartment.

"But... but what did I say? I just announced our engagement!"

"Sheldon... You spoke of it as if it was a TV show or a new YT channel.", said Leonard.

Sheldon seemed utterly confused.

"Do you love her, Sheldon?", asked Penny.

He didn't answer.

"Because if you do, it was a blunder. You treated her like she was unimportant, on a most important moment for a woman. Whatever you want to do to fix this situation, do it quickly. She has low self-esteem and you just destroyed her."

It must have been Penny's impression, but she saw a glow of tears in Sheldon's eyes.


After Sheldon knocking three times twice, Becky answered. She hadn't been crying. Maybe Penny was wrong.

"So?", asked Becky.

"So.", repeated Sheldon.

"I'm sorry for my reaction. You announced our engagement and I just reacted like a spoiled brat. Sorry."

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