Chapter 4

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I'm almost sure Doctor Who's time is wrong here, I didn't get if it was in the morning or in the afternoon, but who would get up at 6am to watch a show? I wouldn't do that even for Matt Smith, I guess... But let's pretend this makes sense for dramatic purposes. 😅

Chapter 04 –

Becky knocked on the door twice before entering.

"'Morning, Sheldon!" she said cheerfully to him, who was apparently, having breakfast.

"Oh, hello, Becky. Why are you up so early?"

"Yeah... Well, actually..." she yawned, "I haven't even gone to bed, yet. But I take I'll prolly go in a few... hours?"

"Why on Earth would you do that?!"

"Um... Because I would be... sleepy?"

Sheldon blinked, confused. Then, he understood and smiled at her, explaining:

"No, no. I meant, why would you not have slept till now, plus plan going to bed 'in a few hours?!' I mean, how many sleeping hours have you already lost?!"

"Um... I don't know... But in my defense, I was totally engaged with the internet. Bought another External HD and started downloading things like a maniac, and I don't even know when I will watch them..." she sighed, hopeful.

"Oh, my, do I understand you!"

"Sounds like you do." she beamed at him. "That's why I bother you so much."

"Would you care for some cereal?" he offered, gently.

"Oh, how sweet, Sheldon! But no, thanks... I never have breakfast."

He was taken aback.

"How come?!"

"Well, I... Let's say, I just don't. Period."

"But... Why? Everybody knows that breakfast is very important. You have no concern for your health at all."

"Yeah, right. What are you, my father now? What is it to you, anyway? Look, I didn't come here to listen to Aesop's Fables, so cut the crap, will you?"

Sheldon was, again, taken aback for a few moments and... fairly impressed.

"Well, you should at least try the low-fiber cereal, then, since it seems you're not used to it."

Becky couldn't do anything but laugh at his comeback. He was so... cute. But she would die before saying that to him, of course. Not to mention, he would hate it.

"So, why are you up so early, anyway?" she asked, changing the subject.

"Doctor Who at 6:30, BBC America."

She considered something.

"But why the heck would you be up at freaking 6 am to watch some shit you could download at The Pirate Bay?! I have."

"Excuse me! The... emotion of watching the... 'real thing' doesn't compare to waiting for the file to download!"

"Hm... I do see your point here... Although I have some issues about 'The Vampire Diaries'. I can only watch the series after I buy them on DVD. Isn't that strange?"

"What is 'strange' is that you watch those series at all."

"Yeah, I knew you would say that. You are so damn predictable."

He gasped.

"I am not!"

"Haha! Knew you would say that too!"

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