"What... what do I want?! Have you... forgotten entirely about everything we discussed two days ago?"

"Unfortunately not. And nor did you, it seems. Is that it? So, what the hell. The answer is 'no'. Bye."

"'Bye?!' Is that all you have to say to me, after... after everything?"

"As a matter of fact, it isn't. But I don't think you wanna hear the rest, anyway."

"I can't put up with that anymore. I don't even know why I have, in the first place. I am really leaving. Good-bye."

And he left, shutting the door behind him.

She wanted to react, but she just kept staring at the door, numbly. In the end, she fell asleep on the sofa with a migraine.


"Sheldon, sweetie, why aren't you eating?" asked Penny, worried. Sheldon seemed upset about something, although he had been (quite unsuccessfully) trying to hide.

"I am not eating because I am not hungry. But what can I expect from you, Penny? It's not the first time I have to clarify you the obvious." he spat venomously.

"So, you and Becky are having problems?" Howard fished. But then, at the way Sheldon glared at him, he realized he had made a big, big, mistake.

"Well, at least I have a girl to have problems with. Right, Wolowitz? Right, Koothrappali?"

At this, Howard flushed violently and Raj started fidgeting.

"Sheldon, there's no need to act like an idiot!" intervened Leonard. "Besides, Penny was only worried about you, just like always, by the way! Don't you think it's about time you started being a little less unjust to people, especially the ones who care about you?!"

Leonard had hit a nerve and Sheldon didn't even know how to respond to that. He simply got up from his spot on the sofa and went to his room, fuming and pained.

"Oh, that's just great!" exclaimed Leonard.

"Um... Maybe someone should talk to him!" said Penny.

"Are you crazy?" asked Howard. "Only if you want to get shot! Leave him alone, that's what he really wants, anyway. We are better off without him."

"Well, I can't argue with that." said Leonard and Raj nodded, approvingly.

"You know, you guys are really mean! He's your friend! That's so cruel!"

"Penny, if you want to be canonized... Just say. But don't twist the facts." said Howard.

"Excuse me. The only one who is twisted here is you, and I don't keep telling that all the time. There's a time to speak and a time to shut up!" said Penny.

"Oh, so, I'm 'twisted', am I? The time to shut up must have been now, but you never seem to know! Fine, then! I don't need all this schmuck! I'm going home!"

And he left, banging the door, whereas Raj gave an astonished look at Penny and Leonard, and went after him.

"Oh, come on!" said Leonard. "What was that about?! Couldn't you guys have waited till the 'Anything can Happen Thursday?!'"

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to have caused that incident. I'm leaving, bye, Leonard." said Penny, miserable.

And she left, crying.

"But what- Penny!" pleaded Leonard. But in the end, he gave up and closed the door, to sit down on the sofa and sulk.

Then, someone started knocking on the door.

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