At Home part 2

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Draco's Pov
What a beautiful day it is. I'm sitting in a park, having a picnic with the most beautiful girl in the world. I can't see her face, but she smells of vanilla and raspberry. I can only see the back of her head since she's leaning on me. Though I can see that she has silky burette curls and her voice sounds like an angel. "I love you my sweet mate, I shall cherish your love and you with care also my life." "Oh Draco, I love you my veela." My angel said. "I could never live without you, love." I reply.  "No you couldn't, literally." The beauty replied. I gave her a pouty face, and the most beautiful sound erupted from her. She was laughing, it sounded so amazing I wanted to make her laugh all the time. She was about to turn her head towards me to kiss me, but the dream ended.
Wow... that was one of the best dreams I've had if her. Today is my birthday, yeah I'm eighteen! "Wake up dragon!" My mother shouted from down stairs. "I'm coming mother!" I yelled back. I changed into some comfy muggle clothes, and I know what you're thinking "Draco Malfoy wearing muggle clothes! It must be the end of the world!!" But no, muggle clothes are actually pretty comfortable so I'm not complaining. I walk down the stairs out of my wing of the manor to find mother in the living area with father. They were in a deep conversation when I walked in. I waited for their conversation to end, when an owl pecked at the window. I took the letter from the owls leg and it said:
Dear Mr. Malfoy,
This is letter is to inform you that you could return to Hogwarts to finish your 7th year as a temporary 8th year. You are head boy and will share a dorm with head girl. Please be civil with her. I hope to see you at Hogwarts on September 1. Please reply for your conformation of the position of head boy.
Headmistress Minerva McGonagal
I'm head boy?!?!?! Wow... that's bloody amazing! "Mum, dad I got a letter from Hogwarts saying I can go back as a temporary eighth year to finish my education. Also I got the position head boy." I told them after their conversation was done. "That's great honey, but we have some news to tell you." Mother said in a serious tone. "Draco, what do you know about veelas?"father asked. "Veelas are magical creatures who have a mate and will die after eight months of their eighteenth birthday if they can't find, mate, and mark their destined mate." I reply. "Well son, you're a veela." Was the last line I heard before pain went through my body. I blacked out from the pain, as it was to much to handle, with a scream in agony.

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