I'm a what?!?! Part 3

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Draco's Pov
I wake up in my bedroom, which is weird since I remember that I was in the living area with my parents. I walk into the bathroom to realize I grew a few inches making me 6'2. I have sharpened facial features in my jawline and my eyes are brighter making it a more blue than grey eye color. I have two beautiful white wings behind me that have sprouted from my back and I have two sharp fangs about an inch longer than the rest of my teeth. "What am I?" "You're a veela my son." The sudden voice started me. I pass out because I slipped in the bathroom and I hit my head on the floor.
There was that girl again though her hair changed to black with red hair tips. Though hit was still curly. Even her scent was different, Strawberry and red velvet cake. But I could tell she was the girl I had dreamt of before. Who is she? I shall find you and make you mine in real life.
I woke up with a sudden jolt. It a few days till I go to Hogwarts, I can't wait for this year.

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