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The creature walked forward, heading in her direction, Mikasa took out her two swords and waited for an attack. It stopped about five feet in front of her and held out a gloved hand and spoke: 

"ah, thara ya maya tangaro. Thara un cruing hyire?" 

"wh-what?" Mikasa stamered

"oh you speak the new tounge" said the creature

"new tounge?" Mikasa asked

"never mind, you found something of mine, I want it back" The creature said in raspy tones

"oh, uh you mean the black box thing?" Mikasa asked

"box thing? oh uh, you mean a camera" replied the creature

"so this box thing is called a camera?" Mikasa asked

"that is correct" replied the creature

"what does it do?" Mikasa asked

"i'll show you" said the creature

The creature took the camera from her hands and pushed one of the buttons. He flipped out he glass window and said:


a flash of light, blinded for a few seconds, Mikasa opened her eyes to see the creature in the black robe holding a piece of paper. i'ts called a photo he said handing it to her. It was a picture of her, made without any paints! in the exact pose she was in.

"strange..." she said

"keep it " said the thing

He took something out of the camera placed in something else then handed it back to her.

"goodbye uh....what is your name madam?" asked the thing

"Mikasa" she relpied

"my name is Aglsbane" he replied

Aglsbane truned around and left. Mikasa tried to follow him but found nothing. She held up the camera Aglsbane gave to her examined it then decided to show it to Armin. She had to walk back since she had nothing to carry the camera in and her gear required two hands to work.

Mikasa finally got out of the vast forest know as the training grounds. One look around and she spotted Eren "of all times!" she thought. Might as well try to walk past. About 20 feet away carrying the camera, Eren spotted her.

"whatcha holding there crybaby?" Eren asked with a smirk,

"A camera." Mikasa replied

"a what now?"


"lemme see it-"


"what you say to me?"


"...well then..."

Mikasa didn't even look as she walked away and Eren didn't try to hurt her. Eren felt a mix of emotions mostly anger (duh) but also.....sadness? Mikasa went looking for Armin and found him in his dorm writing stuff down. 

"Armin?" she said

"yeah?" he replied

"I found this in the woods today" she said

Armin looked at the contraption in her hand and a look of awe grew on his face.

"what is it called?" he aksed

"A camera" she replied

"strange name..... what does it do?" he asked

"it takes pictures without painting them." she replied

"what? how is that...."

Mikasa held up the camera did what Aglsbane did, then there was a flash of light. the photo printed. Armin took the photo and examined it

"facinating..." he said

"where did you find it?"

"out in the woods."

"hmm well uh, i'll take a look at it and I I find anything strange i'll let you know."

Mikasa left, and thought she would go for a walk outside. It was cold out so she was glad to have the scarf. huh, the scarf one of the few memories she had of Eren being nice. It was a strange thought now, seeing him as "nice" he treated Armin just fine.  She wished that he would be nice like that to, though jealousy wouldn't do anything good. It was more like a loneliness, a wish for kindness. The fact of never being able to finally make that connection. Maybe perhaps, in another world, without titans, things could of been better heck, everything would of been better. 

Rounding the corner, she saw eren sitting on one of the steps. He was humming something while scribbling something on a piece of paper. Mikasa thought about turning the corner, but instead sat down by the wall of the building and listened. It wad a sad song or it sounded like that. After a while she began to draw in the dirt, just random scribbles at first then she began to make a picture, using rocks to out line it and pouring gravel in ceritan places to accent lines. when she she was done it was a detail picture of an eye To finish the work she added a tear drop down the face. She continued to sit and  listen to Eren's song silently humming along under a night of what started as complete darkness, but ended up as a soft blanket of beautiful stars.

A twig a simple twig broke the song, Eren stopped humming and went to find the source of the noise. MIkasa stood up and walked away silently then hid in a bush. Eren trotted by calling if anyone was there.

"i'm still here" Mikasa said in a whisper so no one could hear

She silently began to cry in the bushes not minding this time, because these were tears of sadness mixed with some beauty in a way that only a song could tell. and yet some whispers, no matter how quiet, can be heard. Eren turned to the bush. Mikasa realized he had heard her. if she moved it meant a beating if he found same thing. so she closed her eyes instead, hoping that he didn't find her because her crying made him angry. so sh stayed silent, waiting for sharp blows of pain. As Eren looked in the bushes to find her curled in a tiny ball quiet as she could, staring at the ground refusing to look up and just wait it out. A mixture of fear and sadness.  Eren looked at the eye tear drawing, though he would probably never say it, he really liked it. He walked over to a rose bush plucked one out and placed it on her head. 

"goodnight" he only meant to think yet said.

once again, a rare phenomenon impossible almost. And yet such impossible emotional behavior is what brought them together in the first place right? who's to say it can't do a little more...

Mr.KnifeEyes (attack on titan fanfiction) Eren X MikasaWhere stories live. Discover now