The Camera in the bushes

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Mikasa opened her eyes, the sunlight barely illuminating the one-window room. The first bell had rung, "ALL CADETS! REPORT FOR ATTENDANCE!" rang out one of the sergeant's voice throughout the echoey hallways. With a groan of disapproval she rolled out of bed and got her uniform on. Opening the door, she stepped out into the hallways and looked around. Eren stumbled out of his dorm, (five down from hers) saw her in the hallway and let out a sigh of frustration just at the sight of her. Mikasa had gotten used to the fact that he was just more tense around her. she didn't or really couldn't know how to fix it. Eren just kept on walking away, literally. Armin seemed more open but, he was just like that in general. Mikasa stared at the plate of dissapointment in front of her. they didn't exactly have good food there. After breakfast she headed to he training grounds. Eren was already there.

"AUGH! do you have to follow me everywhere!" he shouted.

"um I wasn't following you, I come here everyday" She replied back.

"Liar!" he shouted back

"well frankly wether you like it or not were both stuck in this regiment!" she said

Mikasa turned and continued to the equipment area. Eren silently mumbled under his breath "I wish not". He headed to the other equipment shed and grabbed his gear. Armin, who had been about 20 feet from the conversation, shook his head then followed Eren. once he caught up he asked:

"um why are you treating Mikasa so bad?"

"why do you care?" replied Eren

"well she looks kind of down lately and-

"she's always sad about something" Eren interrupted.

"fine then" said Armin

"see you at lunch okay?"

"sure" replied Eren.

Mikasa soared through the trees, slicing down any titan replicas she could find trying to avoid the areas that Eren usually went to avoid making him angry. she landed in one tree, sheathing her blades and sitting down admiring the song of the few birds that managed to live high enough in the tree to not be disturbed buy the noise below. she fired a metal prong in to one of the neighboring trees and zipped over. she looked up in the tree, there was a small nest about five feet above her. she climbed up the tree being careful to not break any branches and found that it was a nest of Osprey, one of the native birds. once she made it up to the branch she saw a mother bird feeding one of the chicks. The father bird landed next to the mother and took his shift of watching the young, the two parent birds rubbed heads to show affection, then the mother flew off to look for food. She climbed back down and began to make her way back to the main building. The memory of the two birds giving her a sense of happiness. Why did her mind jump to Eren when she remembered the birds? she wondered as the mess hall drew into sight. she turned in her gear in one of the five sheds. Eren had gotten back as well. "god dammit not again". she though as she walked twords the inevitable.

"You again!?" Eren sighed

"what is it" Mikasa asked back

"when are you going to stop following me?" eren inquired

"for the last time i wasn't following you."

"and for the last time as well, Liar!"

" why do you even bother to call me a friend if you're just going to push me away!?" Mikasa asked The feeling of tears beginning to be made notice.

"gee I don't know, maybe because I was sick of seeing you cry all the time!" Eren shouted

"you know that's not true!" she said back

"Then why are you crying now!" yelled eren

Mikasa felt her cheeks indeed she had tear marks.

"well at least I have emotion!" she cried

"look at you, littl' miss crybaby, tell me when you decide to grow up."

Mikasa didn't bother to give a reply so she began at the same pace as before to the mess hall.

"hey we're not done talking yet!" Eren hollered after her

"shout all you want I gave up listening" she called back

Eren getting angry ran up to her and kicked her in the shin.

"Ow! what the heck eren!

as she turned around he gave a swift kick to her stomach causing her to stager back a bit then he pushed her to the floor. He gave a sharp kick to her head causing her to go unconscious. Eren frowned then continued to the mess hall. Mikasa woke up the next morning, still aching from having slept on the ground. The memories of what happened hit her like a tidal wave, the tears came back. She went back to her dorm and looked in the mirror. Great, a black eye she thought. she cleaned up the best she could then headed for breakfast. She tried to sit alone but, Armin found her. She hid the black eye the best she could but Armin saw it.

"what happened to you!?" Armin gasped

"I uh.....crashed into a tree yesterday." Mikasa replied

"Never in the 5 years i've known you have you ever crashed into a tree, what happened?" Armin asked

"not important" Mikasa replied

"fine" said Armin

Mikasa spotted eren walking down the stairs, she quickly sat up and moved to another spot. Armin noted this and watched. Where ever Eren went Mikasa tried to stay away. she usually did this, but his time she looked.....scared of something. after breakfast, Mikasa headed to the training area but his time waited 15 minutes to make sure eren got his gear and was out. Armin (who had been assigned cleaning duty) (guess who made him do that :P) Noticed this as well while carrying a bucket of water inside the dorm buildings. Mikasa did everything she could to avoid Eren witch sometimes meant hiding up in trees, or crawling in bushes. She was hiding in a bush when she saw something. something shiny and black. Mikasa crawled over suspiciously. It was some kind of machine, none that she knew of anyway. She picked up the heavy little box that had some kind of.....eye? in the middle. This "thing" was made of some shiny black material she had never seen. it was covered in strange markings and buttons with a small glass surface that flipped in and out. as well as some kind of telescopic lens that you could look through. completely perplexed she decided to take it back to the mess hall. she heard something, like a twig snapping, in the distance she saw a figure, in a black cloak,  with horns?

Mr.KnifeEyes (attack on titan fanfiction) Eren X MikasaWhere stories live. Discover now