Chapter Seven First Date or First War

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After what happened to Blue and The Storm he called Ruby to see if she wanted to go on a date she said "Ya when and where" Blue replied " um how about tomorrow around 8:00 pm" "ok sounds like a plan" said Ruby. "Ok can't wait for the date" said Blue after the phone call Blue was teleported out of no where and ended up in a dark place it looked familiar to him. "B-Blue help me" said a low voice "BOW ARE YOU OK" yelled Blue as he ran to his father "I-I'm ok some one had a BONE to pick with me" said Bow "heh your a BONE head" said Blue as he pulls out the bones from Bows body. "OW THAT HURTS" yelled Bow "ok I'll just leave the bones in u then" said Blue "no no pull them out" said Bow "ok then on 3" said Blue "1...2" said Blue when he said 2 Blue ripped the bone out "AAAAHH WHAT THE HELL WHAT HAPPENED TO 3" screamed Bow "3" said Blue. They both looked at each other and started laughing "Bow who did this to you" said Blue "it was someone that I don't want you to meet please Blue don't fight this time" said Bow "No that dirty Father killer is going to pay" replied Blue Bow sighed "fine then your Brother Dark did this and he has the AU jumper ability. Blue looked shocked and clenched his fist "I can train you Blue" said Bow "t-train me" said Blue "ya what's your fighting stile I bet it has to do something with bones" said Bow. "Ya it does let me show you what I want to learn" said Blue Blue showed Bow on his phone Sans Attacks he wanted to learn how to use a Gaster Blaster and a Pre-Hand Blaster. "Well I can teach you the Gatser Blaster but I can't teach you the Pre-Hand Blaster the reason is I don't even know how to shoot a blaster out of my hands heh" said Bow "it's fine just please teach me" asked Blue "very well then" said Bow. "Practice on these dummy's" said Bow as he summoned 5 dummy's "ok show me what you can do" said Bow on Dummy 1 Blue snapped his fingers and bones appeared he threw and dummy 1 "ok" said Bow. On Dummy 2 Blue raised his right hand up and a huge bone came out of the ground and penetrated the dummy "Nice" said Bow on Dummy 3 Blue summoned blue bones and threw them at the Dummy "what do those do??" Asked Bow "you don't move on blue bones or they'll hurt or kill you" replied Blue. On Dummy 4 Blue raised his right hand again and his right eye started to glow a bright blue and the Dummy started to glow blue Blue moved his arm Right, Left, Up, Down then he got a bit faster Right, Left, Up, Down then he got a lot faster Right, Left, Up, Down. On Dummy 5 Bow said "this one won't be easy because this one will be a Angry Living Dummy "heh guess his funny BONE is broken" Bow laughed and out of no where the Dummy said "HEY that wasn't funny" said Angry Dummy "let's just get this over with" said Blue "uh Blue this fight I want you to use the Gaster Blaster" said Bow "GASTER BLASTER I DONT KNOW HOW TO USE IT" yelled Blue. "Like this" said Bow Bow raised up his right arm and summoned a Gaster Blaster and the Gaster Blaster shot a Blast at the Dummy "HEY WATCH WHERE YOUR SHOOTING THAT" yelled the Dummy "your turn" said Bow Blue raised his right arm and did it he finally summoned a Gaster Blaster he threw his arm out and the Gaster Blaster shot a Blast at the Dummy. "Heh thank you so much wait what time is it" said Blue "it's 7:55 pm" said Bow "IM ALMOST LATE FOR MY DATE C YA DAD THX ALOT" yelled Blue as he teleported to Rubys house to get her. He knocks on the door Ruby answers it "hey we're almost late cmon"said Blue "we won't make it on foot" said Ruby "I got us a ride" said Blue he summoned a Gaster Blaster and said "cmon hop on he won't bite" Ruby gets on the Gaster Blaster and Blue teleports on "ok GB to our date" said Blue the GB started going forward and it went to a fancy restaurant. Thanks GB Blue and Ruby walked into the restaurant and they sat and talked for hours  until everyone in the restaurant it got quiet there seems a fight out there but who's fighting one of the fighters grabs the other and throws through the restaurant window Blue jumps up and catches them it was EnderPlayer. "B-Blue what are you doing here" said Ender "I'm on a date mind if I step in and fight with you" said Blue "me to" said Ruby "ya a trio" said Ender "CMON ASHELY COME OUT AND FIGHT" yelled a man "who's that" asked Blue "it's a guy I didn't pay him if I didn't he would kill me and my partner Haven" said Ender. "Let me take care of this guys" said Blue "ok do you what you want" said Ruby and Ender "ENDER WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU THIS GUY IS KILLING ME" yelled Haven Blue teleported to Haven and said to the guy "Hey Buddy I Have A Question....Do You Wanna Have A Bad Time". Blue raised his right arm and moved it Right, Left, Up then Down "if I were you I wouldn't mess with Blue he killed Herobrine" said Haven EnderPlayer raised her arm and Man threw him in the air then Blue threw his arm Right and the man went flying into a building. Blue teleported to Ruby tells her "I'm so sorry about the Date" "it's ok I love see you fight" said Ruby she kissed him on the cheek.

==Darks POV==
"What do you want Frisk" said Dark "I want you to hurt someone maybe a few people" said Frisk "Who if it's in another AU that's fine I have the AU jumper ability" said Dark "I want you to Kill a man named Blue and hurt his friends kill em if you want" said Frisk. "Heh ok this Blue person won't see it coming" said Dark.

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