Chaper Six The Storm Provides

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After the fight with Herobrine Blue has been practicing his magic  because he really wants to use a Gaster Blaster but doesn't know how to but he's fine having the attacks he has now. Blue goes to Raps house to see what's he up to and how is Girlfriend is holding up "Hey Raps open up" said Blue but nobody came. Blue waited there for about five minutes until he had enough of it he teleported him self in and walked around his house until he heard something upstairs. Blue slowly walks upstairs as he snaps his fingers and summons bones for an attack once he got upstairs there was four rooms but he heard the noise coming from the second room. He slowly walks closer, closer, closer, and closer he opens the door and sees raps held in a large purple tentacle "BLUE HELP ME" yelled Raps "ok raps" said Blue as he throws the bones at the tentacle. The tentacle drops Raps and grabs Blue "Blue get down from there" said Raps "sorry Raps I guess I'm all RAPPED UP" said Blue "BLUE NOW IS NOT THE TIME" yelled Raps "ok ok" said Blue as he teleports out of the tentacle. Raps pulls out his Diamond Sword and Blue summons more bones Blue throws the bones and Raps swings at the tentacle the tentacle had enough so it went away. "Cmon lets go after it" said Blue as he grabs Raps and teleports to the creature "wait a minute this looks familiar" said Blue he walks to a blackish purple like structure and says "looks like the creature is gone" as he looks at raps. "B-B-Blue" said Raps "ya??" asked Blue "THE STORM" yelled Raps The Storm creature raises his tentacle and slams it at Blue but Blue teleports on it The Creature was getting annoyed so it summons TNT and throws it Blue but Blue summons a bone shield like skull to protect him and Raps. Blue got tired of it so he focuses really hard and shoots a blue like beam at the Monster it seems to be working The Monster swings his arms at Blue but all Blue did was Dodge. Blue teleported him self and the Monster to the school everyone saw a huge Purple Monster and started to scream and shout "heh I don't like to use this attack cuz it just kills things so easy but....You earned it" said Blue as his Right eye glows brighter. The Monster roars at Blue but Blue didn't flinch all he did was raise his right hand and moved it right, left, up, down, left, right, then up he holds The Monster there and throws him down hard as The Monster falls blue raises his left hand up and bones came out of the ground as the monster fell on them and died. "Heh what a fight hmm did I forget something?? Asked Blue "nah....RAPS" yelled Blue he teleports to get Raps but he was with his Girlfriend "ah there fine" said Blue he teleports home and takes a long nap

==Bows Point of  View==
"W-what h-how did you get here??" Asked Bow "if you won't move old man I'll just kill you and go to Blues AU and kill him to and everyone he loves" said the man "Your insane" said Bow "insane?? No I'm cursed no longer Light I AM DARK" said Dark "fine here is the power to jump to any server or as you call them AU" said Bow. "thank you Father I didn't want to do this but I have to" said Dark " Dark summons red bones and throws them at Bow aiming for the arms and legs and one in the shoulder "aw don't look at me that your lucky I didn't kill you" said Dark as he jumps into back his AU

BlueМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя