Chapter Eleven Blue vs Dark

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Blue and Gnar walked to to school to meet Katelyn, and Haven "where's Lapiz" asked Haven "and Raps and why do you have Raps scarf" added Katelyn "...there dead where's Random, Aki, Ashely, and Kani" asked Blue "dead to" said Haven. Blue looked down and clenched his fist and shouted "WHY WHY IS HE DOING THIS" "because I was told to and I'm just a megalomaniac what does that word mean anyway" said Dark "a person who is obsessed with their own power" responded Haven. Blue summoned a GB and blasted Dark but Dark blocked it "really Blue this isn't the real fight until your friends are gone" said Dark "Kate I know you have the WC use it to get everyone out of here" said Blue. Kate loads up the WC and it opened a portal "WHAT!!" Yelled Dark Dark teleported towards Katelyn but Blue teleported in front of Dark and punched him back. "Go I got this" said Blue Haven, Gnar, and Katelyn walked through the portal the portal was about to close until Blue heard a scream "WAIT FOR US" Blue looked at the noise and it was Blue Ruby and a girl with a green sweater with one yellow stripe. Blue teleported to them and grabbed them and teleported them to the portal "hey Blue this is my friend Chara" said Ruby "hey" said Chara Chara walked through the portal "CHARA" yelled Dark. Blue kissed Ruby and pushed her into the portal but the portal closed they were stuck in the genocidal world. "Let's finish this then just me Ruby and you Dark" said Blue "FINE" said Dark "Its A Beautiful Day Outside Birds Are Singing Flowers Are Blooming But On Days Like These Curses Like You, SHOULD BE BURNING IN HELL" said Blue. Ruby pulled out her sword and teleported to Dark and trying slicing him from behind Blue summoned bones and threw them but Dark dodge those two. "Heh my turn" said Dark Dark teleported to Ruby he punched in the face, the gut, and then teleported behind her and slammed her to the ground. Blue got mad and his right eye got brighter he teleported in the air and summoned three GB's and shot at Dark and it hit him "grr I won't lose" said Dark Dark pulled out his sword and shot a beam out of it at Ruby. Blue teleported in front of Ruby and took the hit "BLUE" yelled Ruby "it's ok I have 3 hp left I had 4 I lost one hp I took Lapiz, Randoms, and Raps plus mine" said Blue Dark had enough and shot two beams at Blue and Blue took them "AH" yelled Blue. Blue got up and lifted his right arm up Dark started to glow blue and Blue said "what's wrong feeling BLUE" he moved his arm Right, Left, Up, Down, Right, Left, Up, then Down Blue made it go a little faster and went in the same order Right, Left, Up, Down, Right, Left, Up, then Down Dark lost about 30 and has 20 hp left. "Ah I won't lose to a color" said Dark Blue raised up his arm again and moved it Right, Left, Up, Down, Right, Left, Up, then Down and got faster Right, Left, Up, Down, Right, Left, Up, then Down Dark was down to 5 hp, Blue was down to 1, and Ruby was down to 15. " heya you look frustrated about something guess i'm pretty good at my job, huh?" Said Blue "I...will..kill you.. AND EVERYONE YOU KNOW AND LOVE" said Dark "why are you doing this" asked Ruby " I had a wife I was going to marry her name was Chara we were walking until a man named BlackTooth came out and killed her then a few days later I killed him and I was cursed by him the curse has been passed down from his great grand father" said Dark.  Blue had enough of it and said "I'm done of this fighting I'm ending this now".

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