Review for BTCR Metaphor Heavy Book

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The Summer of Striped Tees seems rather ordinary when you look at the cover. Your assume that it is perhaps a bit Indie, likewise to any zany, quirky love story you'll find in the depth of Young Adult fiction or Humor.

But then you read the description. You read the first chapter, and you're hooked. The Summer of Striped Tees makes you forget why you ever scorned humor novels with teenage main characters. Its protagonist, Will, is as wise and sensitive as he is pumped full of hormones. He narrates with a unique voice that has rarely been heard with such gusto in fiction since we fell for Charlie in The Perks of Being a Wallflower.

Besides a cliche-busting narrator, the author introduces us to a complete cast of hilarious characters who at times can draw tears with their relatable stories. Ash, a rainbow-haired young girl with whom Will immediately connects, explores as much depth in the female character as she does in the color of her pixie cut. Similarly, Grace, a friend and fellow babysitter of Will's, is allowed more wit and intelligence than any female character that I have seen in ages.

The Summer of Striped Tees never fails to produce a chapter filled with well-written merriment and poignancy. The author has proved time and again through this work that they can write in a much too unseen opposite-sex prospective, as well as create a story that addresses heavy topics without following an agenda. Everything about the novel is enjoyable.

Created by a self-professed grammar fanatic, the writing in Summer of Striped Tees is always polished and beautiful. It is a work that most everybody should read, as it will be unlike anything you have ever witnessed before. It breaks cliches within every turn of the plot, and can hardly be beaten in any other aspect of the story either.

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