The Fake Girlfriend

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Chapter One

I rolled through another aisle of the grocery story, my shopping cart making annoying squeaking noises as the wheels turned back and forth. I stopped at the bread shelf, scanning my eyes over for the cheapest priced loaf. I guess three dollars would have to do.

I sighed and tossed it aside in the wired cart. In the meat aisle, I glanced over at the sausage.

"Geez, how exspensive is this stuff going to get?" I mumbled to myself.

"College student?"

I turned to see a woman in stilletos and pants suit, arms crossed and eyes on the meat in front her. In this town, everyone assumed you were in college if you were under twenty-five. Given the fact that I had finished early, I lived in the two bedroom apartment with my roommate who was going for her degree in physcology.

"Nah, in between jobs," I replied with a tight smile. I've been scouting for a job that would fit my degree... but that seems to be a failure for the past two months.

The lady looked sceptical for a second, her plump lips pursed in thought. Then, she reached into her pocket and withdrew a business car, with it inbetween her middle and pointer she passed it over to me. "Here, you seem like the person I'm looking for," she said as I took the card. "If you need a job, just give me a call, I could really use you." Then she turned on her heel and click, clicked away.

I stared after her. That was odd. I flicked the card in my pocket and continued my grocery shopping,


I stepped into our second floor apartment, nudging the door open with my hip with grocery bags braceleted on my arms.

"Honey, I'm home!" I yelled throughout the apartment as a joke and tossed the bags onto the kitchen counter.

"Rayne!" my roommate yelled as she dashed into the kitchen, crumpled magazine in hand. "You know Nick Jonas?"

I shot her a strange look as I pushed the milk into it's compartment in the fridge. "Uh, yeah sure," I told her.

"Look at this picture of him!" Ruby thrust the magazine in my face for my eyes to land on a shirtless Nick Jonas. "How is he still single?"

I shrugged, putting up cereal. "Must not use deodorant."

She rolled her eyes, setting the magazine down and grabbing a handfuly of M&M's from the jar on the counter. "So, did you find a job today?" she asked, munching around candy.

I sighed. "No, there's no one wanting to hire someone who majored in journalism and fashion."

"Hey," she said. "we live right outside New York, keep looking. Don't give up hope." She gave me wink. "Well... Do you want to join me for a marathon of Buffy the Vampire Slayer?" Ruby wiggled her eyebrows at me, making me laugh in reply.

"Yeah, go ahead and start, I'll be there in a bit," I laughed.

She gave me a thumbs up and bounded down the hall to the living room. Taking my purse in my room, I set it on the bed, unwrinkling the grocery store reciept. My broke college days were over, I was now stuck in that aftermath that was completely dry of green.

The business card that I had been handed floated to bed comforter, shining at me like a flashing sign. I sighed, I didn't even know the lady, she could toss me into prostitution for all I knew.

But, it was worth a shot, right?

I pulled out my cellphone and dialed the number from the card, letting it ring and send chills up my spin.

"Hello, Scarlett O'Dair speaking," it was definately the lady from the market, I couldn't forget the unmistakable proffesional tongue.

I cleared my throat. "Hi, um you gave me a card at the supermarket-"

"Yes! Blondie, I remember you. Thinking you need a job now?" she asked.

My eyes widened at me own response, "Uh, yeah. I think I could hear what you have to offer."

"Great," she chirped, and I could hear the crinkling of her lips as she smiled through the phone.

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