"It's ok, Crystaline told me everything." I said. "Joss was way out of line."

Gale smiled, relieved. I'm glad you know. Did she tell you about the note?

"Yeah, I have it. I'm going to take it to my Aunt."

"Wait, you have the note?

"Yeah." I said, handing him the Missing Child Poster. He frowned and carefully looked it over. Then his face paled.

This isn't the note I got, he signed, and I could see that he was panicking just by the speed he was signing. The note she gave me just told me to kill myself and go to hell. I've never seen this before. Where did you get it?

"She told you to kill yourself?!"

Where did you get the note, Jasper!

"Uh..." I rubbed the back of my neck awkwardly. "You see, I didn't actually get it anywhere. I mean, I don't really know where-

You don't know! What do you mean you don't know?!

"How am I supposed to know? I wasn't the one who found it!"

Then who did?!




Tell me right now!

"...My dad?"

WHAT?! Your dad knows? This is probably all over New York by now, knowing my mother! The police will come get me and you'll get in trouble for taking care of me and I'll have to go back home! I'm not going back! I have to leave. Jasper, I can't stay here, I-

I stopped his hands, clutching them tightly in mine.

"Relax." I said. "It's not that serious. My dad doesn't think any less of you. I'll talk to my dad and see where he got the poster. The flyers can't be all around town, or else someone would've called in by now. Which means it's probably somewhere like a small pharmacy or a grocery store."

A grocery store like Wal-Mart! You know, the one the security guard caught me in?!, He signed, completely oblivious to everything else I said.

"Well, he was more of a rent-a-cop..."


"Gale! They're probably not even going to check here." As soon as the words left my mouth, the doorbell rang. Gale peeked out the window and immediately jumped back, fear quickly building in his eyes.

There is a cop car outside your house, Jasper.

"Shit. Stay here." I said and rushed out of my room. Like slow motion, my mom was making her way to the front door. I freaked out and jumped over the banister rather than taking the stairs just to beat her to the stairs. She jumped and clutched her chest.

"Jasper Whalen, how many times have-

"I got the door!" I yelled, panting slightly as I opened the door to the cop who had brought Gale home at midnight.

"Hello, young man, may I speak to your parents or an adult?" He asked politely. I flashed a smile and shook my head, practically shoving my mom away with the arm behind the door. Go, I spelled out with my hand, grateful that she knew how to sign as well.

"Sorry, sir, just me again. What can I help you with?" I asked.

"I wanted to speak with your cousin, Tommy is it?" He asked, but I could see the quizzical look on his face. This was a test. I could see the poster rolled up in his hand. He obviously already knew who Gale was, and recalled that I had told him that Gale's name was Timothy.

Symphony of the Words Unspoken (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now