The bar tender passes him a beer and then smiles warmly at him, "What's your name, straight boy?"

"Uh, Brendon." He sighs, taking a sip of the beer, hopefully he could get drunk so he forgot about this.

The man nods and then carries on the conversation, which Brendon appreciates, passing the time without looking like a loser, "I'm Ray, but everyone is called by their last name here, so call me Toro."

"Well I guess that's why I'm Urie then." Brendon nods, scanning the room with the beer glass still against his lips.

And then he spits some back into the glass, eyes wide.

A boy, who he was guessing was a stripper, had just walked into the bar area, he was wearing blood red panties and a rose was painted on his face, his Hershey coloured eyes sparkled and a small smirk played on his lips as he noticed Brendon gawping as him.

"Urie? Urie?" Toro was waving his hands in front of Brendon's face, and then he looked up to see who Brendon was staring at.

Brendon spun around, subtly pointing to the new worker and whispering harshly, "who's he?"

"That would be chérie rose, he's new here, does he take your interest?" Toro smirks, then calls the boy over, much to Brendon's embarrassment.

Chérie Rose eagerly saunters over, eyes still looking Brendon up and down, causing Brendon to become pretty hot pretty quickly.

"Chérie, this is Brendon, he would like to meet you." Toro says quite a bit more professionally than he had been talking to Brendon.

Brendon is about to shake his head when the boy bats his eyelashes and outstretches his hand, Brendon happily shakes it and the boy giggles.

He keeps his gentle grip on Brendon's hand and lifts him up, "Maybe we should go somewhere more, private?" The boys voice was soft but also dangerous.

"Y-Yeah okay." Brendon shakily climbs out of the chair, more aroused than he wanted to be.

Toro whispers, "Not so straight now, Urie." And then waves him off as Brendon glares at him.

Chérie leads him into a small, decorated room, with one chair in the middle, then turns to Brendon and says in a hushed tone, "There is also a room with a bed, if you would prefer that?"

"This will be f-fine for now." Brendon stutters, immediately embarrassed, it was like slipping up in front if your childhood crush.

Chérie sits him down and just gazes at him, "What would you like me to do, Brendon?" The way the name rolled off his tongue really turned Brendon on, and he didn't care about gender anymore, he just needed this beautiful boy.

"Do whatever you usually do..." Brendon smirks, the boy bites his lip, climbing onto Brendon's lap and staring at him through hooded eyelids.

The boy then leans in closer, rosy lips almost touching Brendon's, and Brendon whispers, "May I have a kiss?"

The boy nods, then Brendon grins, slamming his lips into the boys own, tongues immediately got involved, dancing together in their mouthes.

He nibbled the boys lower lip and he let out a small moan, rolling his hips into Brendon's, creating delicious friction.

Brendon groans, holding onto Chérie's hips and dry fucking him, said boy was gasping and whimpering, every noise going to Brendon's aching hard on.

"Please f-fuck me." The boy pants, his hands in Brendon's hair, rutting against him.

Brendon kisses the side of Chérie's face, then nibbles his earlobe, whispering, "We don't have a bed."

"Against the wall?" Chérie questions, batting his eyelashes innocently again.

Brendon didn't have to be asked twice, he was going to slam the boy against the wall, but he didn't want to hurt him, he was too precious, so he nudged him against it instead.

Then he nibbled at the boys neck, pulling down the panties and groping his ass, causing a whimper from him.

"You need stretching?" Brendon asks, the boy shakes his head, panting.

That was good for Brendon, although he wanted to savour every moment of this boy, he also knew Pete would be looking for him.

He pulls out a condom from his pocket, I mean, although he thought he'd be fucking a girl, in a weird way, this was better.

He rolled it on, and then spat on his hand for lube, pushing in slowly, he tore a wine from the boy in front of him.

He pulled out and then back in, starting to go harder and faster, moaning like hell.

"Fuck master." Chérie groaned, his cock was against his stomach and it was leaking precome, he was really turned on, but he couldn't admit it, this guy was the hottest customer he'd ever had.

He wasn't even allowed to be touched, it was only above clothes stuff, but what the hell, he was already being illegal, he could step it up, especially for this guy.

"Did you call me master you little slut?" Brendon smirks, thrusting deeper into him, the boy gasps, trying to get a reply out, he ends up squeaking a "yes master."

Brendon chuckles, he never thought that would turn him on, he was actually pretty vanilla with sex, but apparently not, "I like that ya know?"

"Well I like you master." The boy smirks, and then practically screams as Brendon hits his prostate, he starts to quiver slightly.

Brendon bites his neck harshly and that's the last straw, he comes all over his chest and Brendon follows into the condom, then pulls out, panting, "Where should I put this?"

"Uh, not in the bin, we, aren't really allowed to, um, have sex under clothes, but it's happened now and it was wonderful, sir." The boy blushed, looking back up at Brendon who just giggled, running his fingers through his hair.

Then he stepped forward and pressed his lips to the boy's, who kisses back gently, giving Brendon butterflies like he's kissing his crush, well he liked this boy, a lot.

"What's your actual name, Chérie, if you are allowed to say?" Brendon asks him, stroking his cheek and smiling sweetly.

The boy sighs, looking down awkwardly, "I'm not allowed, but for you, I will, my name is Ryan, well that's my middle name, but I wont confuse you."

"Sweet name, and it would be sweeter popping up on my phone, can I have your digits." Brendon smoothly pulls out some paper and a pen from his back pocket, them passing it to Ryan, who gladly writes his number.

Brendon then puts it back in his pocket, kissing the boy one more time before turning to the door, "hope to see you again, Chérie."

"You too, master." Ryan blushes, "I love you."

Them he mentally curses himself, he is never allowed to love his customers, it puts them off, Brendon is only here for a good time, nothing else.

That all goes out the window when Brendon turns around and grins, "I love you too, Chérie Rose."

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